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Posts posted by mikeinet

  1. Personally -- Everyone can be in 100% agreement or 100% disagreement about a county fire department, and a holistic view to everything in Westchester County regarding the Fire Service... BUT!! the main issue, is that this is not an overnight process. To form a county fire department would takes YEARS AND YEARS of planning, approvals, and deployment. This isn't a "oh, Yorktown has had 2 fires that could have been different if we had a unified plan, let's go do it", it's a LOT larger than that.

    I'm not against this by any means, I'm just saying people really need to differentiate between the two.

    In terms of the YFD/MFD issue -- I agree that politics needs to get out of this issue. Most people don't care what fire dept comes to their house when it's burning, as long as it's quick and they can do what they have to...

    Looking at the tax structure of a fire district probably takes some time and state planning, town planning, etc... but setting up an automatic mutual aid plan is as simple as calling DES and puting it on the box. Right? (Correct me if I'm wrong).

    I just feel some people's priorities are not where they should be. Remember folks, we're here to serve our community! Not argue about who gets to piss on a fire first!

  2. Somewhat upsetting to hear... but humerous at the same time to pretty much follow the plot line of Super Troopers.


    Duffel bags stuffed with cocaine were delivered by plane to an out-of-the-way suburban airport while two sheriff's officers provided security. A police officer stood by to guard the cash and keep out the riffraff at a poker game where $100,000 changed hands. And a drug dealer was told squad cars marked "sheriff" and "sheriff's police" might be available on a "freelance" basis to provide protection for his deliveries.

  3. Facebook isn't just to connect back with college or high school friends. I completely disagree. I use it for professional networking with my job as well. Has groups as everyone has said, but also has the web 2.0 sense of keeping a "status" and whatnot. Many friends who don't live near me anymore throw pictures, statuses, notes, etc. on there and its a good way to stay connected with EVERYONE

  4. I was at the game and I have to say -- it was great. The early afternoon festivities were HORRIBLY organized in my opinion. I arrived at the stadium at ~1pm, saw lines out the door to just get into the stadium, decided to go get a beer. ~2pm, made my way into the stadium and wanted to get down on the field. I knew the field was slated to close at 4pm to allow them to get it ready for the game... 3:15pm after standing in line for more than an hour, when near the front of the line, we got told nobody else was getting let on! What a let down!

    The pre-game activities I thought were very well done, and the fans cared. What I really liked was a lot of yankees games now (read as playoff games) are a corporate event... you see tons of business going on, etc. etc. Last night, it was for the FANS, the people that WANTED to be there and that was evidant by people staying quite late even after the game. There was no rush at the end of the game to get out of the stadium.

    One thing that was somewhat mentioned here that bothered me was that throughout the night, it was "THE LAST GAME..." "THE LAST SEASON..." "THE END..." no, it's not the end!! The end of an era in the history of baseball, the yankees, new york city... but not the team!

    With that being said though, I'm really a firm believer that the new stadium should NOT be called "yankee stadium" -- I think that'll just ruine the memories of the old stadium. Shea isn't being renamed shea... new stadiu, new era... let the babe have his stadium for good!

  5. How is the security on these things?

    Public safety agencies, such as Fire Departments, Police/Sheriff Departments, and Ambulance/Rescue Companies are issued radio frequencies by the FCC for their restricted use only. Possession of transmitting devices for non-authorized personnel is tightly controlled and transmitting on these frequencies is against the law (Federal & State statutes).

    A. How tightly is it controlled ;) common now...

    B. Great it's against the law, so is breaking into your house! I doubt a bugler cares about that! lol

  6. You know -- it's articles just like this that really make me gripe. I actually (this past week) just moved to the Albany area. I contacted numerous volunteer agencies in my area (pretty much all split daytime paid/night time volunteer). Due to work, i'm only going to be in the area until February. With that being said, I was met with red tape everywhere I tried to volunteer. I've been an EMT for 4 years and an ambulance driver for 5 years... so it's not like I'm straight out of EMT class. Each dept I spoke with told me that it's not worth their time to train me since I won't be in the area that long.

    Makes me laugh seeing a 3 page article was written about how they're short staffed... They say they're short staffed, but are they? Or are they being too picky.

  7. Date: 4-26-08

    Time: 0130

    Location: 2 Westledge Drive - Peachtree Apartments - Norwhich CT


    Units Operating: Norwhich FD, ~12 total depts

    Description Of Incident:

    Writer: mikeinet

    120 unit apt complex -- first units on scene reporting a working unit fire -- within minutes the entire building was engulfed. Building is a complete loss. Up to 45 unaccounted occupants. Building had no sprinker system and no fire stops on the roof.



