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Posts posted by LED138

  1. Although I didnt take the FDNY exam(too old now) Im reading the comments on here about the test and beleive me you will second guess yourself forever. Whats done is done, wait for the score. As far as the Psych part, NJ has been using this style of test for years for their PD tests. I whole heartedly agree that it is crap. Not sure how many questions FDNY had, but NJDOP puts close to 150 of them on the tests, as well as the math, maps, reading comprehension etc. They tell you to answer honestly, yet for some reason you still come out with an 80 or so. You are being graded by something/somone that has no info about you. The only thing I learned is that as long as you are on the right side of the fence with the answer its just a matter of getting 1 point or 2 points. With that said, Good luck to you all! And dont stress it

  2. I have 5 apparatus in my dept. equipped with pumps (topmount, sidemount, rearmount) and they all have their pros/cons.

    Topmount - You get superior scene observation and out of harms way of traffic, but it is a tripping hazard getting down off of the pump(usually preconnects in the way.

    Sidemount - One-sided scene observation, cluttered with preconnects. Ummm, no pros for this

    Rearmount - 2 sided observation, out of the way of the preconnects, but I just dont like to stand in the rear of a big red truck with flashy lights on a highway when the motoring a$$heads are driving past not paying attention.

    I have seen a great idea to it, the topsidemount pump... It is the best of both worlds and I have only seen 2 made. The one I recall is made by Sutphen.

    Just my $.02

  3. Browsing through the posts I seen that someone asked about getting used ESU trucks. My Dept. was actually looking into the idea. Anyone have info on how to get/who to call? Does NYPD donate to other organizations or are they done through an auction. I was told by a vollie FD that has one that NYPD doanted it to them... Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  4. One of my family members is the borough mechanic for Maywood and its currently sitting in his shop. Ill try to snap some pics while its there and after it gets lettered.. If I dont get beaten to the punch. And E290L103 is correct. They have a dying glider kit based from thier old Howe pumper. They will be using it as a 1st out Engine(they run Engine/Rescue). They are also in the process of spec'ing a new rig. When that goes into service they will try and keep the Mack as a borough spare.