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Everything posted by NYMedic37

  1. OK, lets look at it this way....Where I work its on revenue recovery. If I do 1 ambulance call during my 12 hour shift, I have covered more then my pay for that day. The rest is all gravy for the service. The question is, what would you pay for a professionally trained EMT or Paramedic that could save your life? Its not the volume of calls its the quality of medical treatment. $25.00/hour for EMT's and $50.00 / hour for Paramedics is reasonable.
  2. Professional 911 EMT's should get $25.00/hour and 911 paramedics $50.00/hour. If you are in cardiac arrest and your life is saved its worth every penny. Think of all of the other scenerios where EMT's and Paramedics have prevented cardiac arrest. The A.P.E. that gets Nitrates, lasix and Morphine and now can breath, The AMI that gets a 12 lead, treated and taken to a PCI, the severe trauma that is spared by EMS. We are worth every penny and more.
  3. Recently, I had a patient that went thru a plate glass window with numerous cuts and one major laceration. The left arm, from the mid forearm up the elbow to the mid upper arm. Cut down to the bone. The wound was about 8 inches long and very deep with moderate blood loss. I used 1 large "quickclot" dressing with 3 rolls of kling wrap to start. To my surprise, the wound continued to bleed although I feel that the Quickclot slowed down the bleeding. I continued to use 4x4's, 5x9's and more kling wrap to control the bleeding. This was my first time using Quickclot and I feel that the dressing was too small for the wound. In the future, I would use 2 or 3 quickclots on a similar injury to cover the inside of the wound as well as the entire exterior of the wound. Has any one else had any good or bad experiences with quickclot? Paul Aiello EMT Paramedic
  4. Thanks for the advice. We usually carry 3 QC (1 - 100 G and 2 - 25 G) in the bag so next time I think I'll use either 2 or 3 depending on the situation.
  5. Abdominal pain could be an MI, headaches could turn into a CVA, an elderly with a broken clavical may need EMS due to severe pain and poor mobility, Nausea & vomiting could be an MI........If my father was having any of these problems and was denied EMS there would be a serious problem with myself and the dispatcher. Are there system abusers.....yes, of course there are but you can't deny service to people. If you start telling callers that they are not entitled to EMS then you are gambling with people's lives. The "headache" that suffers a CVA will sue your a** off.
  6. England EMS is covered by NHS - National Health service.
  7. Hey ALSFF, I used 1 100 G Quickclot on this patient. We carry the 25 and 100 G Quickclots on our trucks. Paul
  8. Hey Goose, We used the Dressing / bandage type. Not the powder. The patient never complained of any burning sensations and when the trauma doc removed it there were no signs of any type of burns. All in all, I'd say that it was a good device to use but next time I would use 3 or 3 quickclots to cover the entire surface area of the wound (This patient's wound was about 8 inches long and cut thru to the bone).
  9. I watched the trauma doc remove the quickclot along with all of the 4x4, 5x9 & kling. He didn't have any problem removing it. The quickclot absorbed most of the water from the wound hence clotting with some residual bleeding ...... not perfect but helped slow down the bleeding. In the future, I would use 2 or 3 quickclots on this 8" long (very deep) laceration.
  10. Why not spend the $495.99 on something more importaint then a fancy uniform. The job messy. Go with a practical, inexpensive uniform so when you have to replace it, it won't cost you $495.99
  11. Dumber then a box of rocks.
  12. FDNY EMS uses type1 ambulances. Very roomy in front with lots of space for radios, computers, etc. The box is also very roomy and provides a good working space. The only drawback is the bumpy ride. Lenox Hill Hospital in Manhattan has some type 3 ambulances which are gas. They are much quieter and have better pick up.
  13. Which village police departments will be consolidated with Greenburgh?
  14. Tarrytown EMS has had Quicclot on our ambulances for a little while now. I don't think anyone has used it yet but in training looks very promising.
  15. I agree....Emergency medical service is more of an accurate description of what we do and is much more professional.
  16. What's next? Wonder bread ESU? Wonder rescue? Wonder bread dive team? Bread haz-mat? Wonder marine unit?
  17. God bless both injured crew members......Hang in there, we're all pullin' for ya'!!! Paul
  18. Lets look at the history of EMS operating at MVA's ..... About 99.9% of the time, turnout gear is unnecessary for EMS. In severly hot weather, it can turn EMS personnel into patients. I think the risk of heat exhaustion, syncope, heat cramps, heat strokes, cardiac issues, etc from wearing turnout gear is too high verses the benefit of wearing turnout gear for fire hazards, glass, etc. That is why I feel that making turnout gear mandatory at all MVA's is not realistic.
  19. Everybody seems to be way too paronoid about glucometers. It is a tool that will help you do your job and ultimately help the patient. Add a simple Glucagon IM injection and you could help a hypoglycemic patient. Aren't we here to help people? Or are we just ambulance drivers? As I said before, Its so easy a caveman could do it!
  20. Turnout gear should be worn when needed.....not "on all MVA's". Do you really need to wear turnout gear in 95 degree heat / 100% humidity for a minor fender bender that may require a board & collor? No. In conditions mentioned, all you are doing is creating heat exhaustion for your EMS personnell. Now who is going to treat the heat exhausted EMS personnell? Another crew wearing turnout gear? Setting a blanket rule is not smart. Using the gear on an as needed basis is smarter.
  21. I think we should train and give the EMT's glucometers and glucogen (IM). With proper training, a caveman can do it! Paul
  22. Good luck getting a FF job now. You've got 2 strikes against you..........Ignorant remarks against the IAFF and you're a Red Sox fan. Not the sharpest pencil in the box!