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Posts posted by NYMedic37

  1. It's a fair question - how about BOTH.

    As for this incident, an intoxicated "employee" stole a vehicle and crashed it. He was charged with unauthorized use and DWI. How much more Sleepy Hollow could have done to prevent this is beyond me unless a problem in the "hiring" process allowed someone into the agency who should have been identified as a problem earlier - and we'll never know that.

    Just to let you know, the subject in question was NOT an "employee" he was a volunteer. I do not believe there is a "hiring process" for volunteers. Changes should be considered.

  2. Not to say this wasn't a bad thing that happened nor was it right. Yes, it gave Sleepy Hollow a black eye so to speak. Someone didn't think before they did something stupid. What the article failed to say is that the VAC has other members which are willing to and dedicated to serving the public. Yes, it was a lack of judgement, and yes, this is going to portray the VAC in a poor light. But I am sure that the members who are active and dedicated will be able to overcome this obsticle. Everyone here has to admit that Sleepy Hollow has come a long way from what it used to be. As for the driver, Yes, he should be punished for what he did. But remember, his thinking was impaired from whatever he was drinking. He should be responsible for paying for the damage to the fly car and whatever else they find out he hit. He should have counseling and should be required to get help for his issue. Everyone here has had to deal with some type of drunk whether it was on the job or off. So remember how those people were. What I think would really drive the point home here is to have him see what drunk driving can really do as he is lucky he didn't hit and kill someone. Make him sit in on an autopsy. Make him watch blurred lines (yes, I've seen it). Open his eyes to what drunk driving can do and let him see that there are other victims to his actions, not just himself. And yes, even though he didn't hurt or kill anyone, there are other victims here. Each and every member of the Corps has to deal with this. Not only that but the Corps is down a vehicle which was used to help people. and the Village also suffers from this. And yes to a degree people who don't realize what or where this happened, may think it was somewhere else. Some people will be quick to point out that incidents like this are part of the reason EMS is viewed as the red headed (sorry to anyone with red hair) step child of public safety. That's because when incidents like this occur, we tend to monday morning quarterback instead of learning from it, and putting things in place, as well as just sticking together. I don't mean standing up for the guy that screwed up, but standing up for the Corps and EMS in general. If we can't get our acts together, who will and the mold will never be broken.

    This is just my opinion and everyone else has theirs and is entitled to it also.


    NO.....What he did was a crime. Several crimes. EMS is a profession, not a hobby. Act professional. Yes "his thinking was impaired from whatever he was drinking". This is NO excuse. If you were to lean on impaired judgement as a defense for your DWI in court, you would lose. So lets call it like it is.....Illegal.

  3. I disagree!

    It makes the volunteer ems secture look bad not me!

    Thank you! I do agree that it makes the volunteer structure look very bad. Aparantly, there's no control over the volunteer fly cars. I've seen volunteer fly cars and volunteer fire chief cars miles away from thier jurisdictions, parked at Yankee stadium, out shopping, I've seen them in the grocery stores and loading up the volly fly cars with groceries. That's an abuse of the taxpayer's money. Time for a change!

  4. The villages will lose the revenue that the town pays them. This money goes into the village's general funds and is used for whatever the village wants to.

    The village's look at this money as revenue that can be allocated in what ever way they feel.

    While it may be more effecient and cost effective to have a single department; the mayors & board of trustees of these villages, most likely would oppose any consolidation because 1. they lose revenue and 2. the politicians lose control. It's not the chiefs, individual companies or members that would be the hurdle but the politicians.

    The villages will argue home rule and cannot be forced by the town to do this. As in the past, there are differences between the politicians of the town & villages to the point that the 6 villages are having a study done to leave the town and form another one without Greenbugh.

    It seems that the focus here is on who will be losing revenue rather then having uniform, professional fire coverage. I think the more importaint issue is proper fire coverage, not who's losing revenue.

  5. Interesting idea..

    But what would the purpose of that be? I don’t know how familiar you are with the 3 Greenburgh departments, but they already train 3 out of 4 Tuesdays of the month together. They have 1 company only drill to work with specifics for their own department. They have no in-service fire apparatus, thus no cost of district vehicles aside from Greenville’s volunteer chief has a car.

    Now let’s say Fairview has a fire, HFD and GFD career staff go, a signal 9 will be put out over the radio which means report to your quarters. So the volunteers will report and depending on how many members show up determines how many will go to the fire scene. As it is always your task to protect your own 1st due area 1st.

    So my main question is what does the combination of all 3 seek to attain.

    I'm not a firefighter so please don't think that I'm playing monday morning quarterback but Does each of the 3 departments have a chief and deputy chiefs? Why not create 1 department and save on the amount of brass. Greenburgh Police has 1 chief and 3 Captains. Do the 3 fire departments in Greenburgh need 3 chiefs? 3 sets of deputy chiefs? Why not incorporate all of the volunteer Greenburgh departments into one for uniform training and evaluate if all of the current apparatus is really needed? Thanx.....just my2 cents.....from a non-firefighter.

  6. True enough, but how about sitting down at a real table instead of a cyber one and discussing the issue for real and start making substantive changes instead of just paying the idea lip service?

    Even if as someone suggested it just started at the Town level and was for things like insurance, fuel, purchasing, etc. there would probably be savings.

    Saving money thru fuel, insurance, etc. sounds good to me!

  7. I think it is more this issue has been discussed at length in other forums and has been beaten to death. I am in favor of consolidation. Too much equipment...not enough people.

    I agree, too much equipment and not enough PROPERLY TRAINED people. Maybe consolidate by combining township departments like Greenburgh. Combine all Greenburgh volunteer departments into one to supplement the 3 paid Greenburgh departments.

  8. LOL. I still have mine bro...

    I have utilized NTG with success for CHF and as mentioned as first line for AMI, angine, hypertension etc. One thing that I do notice when training medic students or proctoring newer medics is they often do not follow up their initial NTG admin. As long as the BP holds and the signs/symptoms appropriate for the condition being treated is there, I will continue to give it until the vitals contraindicate its use or I arrive. I also prefer nitro spray over the tabs. There is possibility that nitro tabs will lose some of their potency over time when exposed to air.

    Another nitro tool in the kit which I use at a high percentage of time is nitro paste. Not having the ability to administer IV nitro, the paste gives me the ability to maintain some of the vasodilation achieved with sublingual admin.

    On a side note, although not a field treatment, nitro paste is also used to improve circulation in lower extremities when applied to the legs or feet. There is also reported uses to treat headaches by applying paste to the legs.

    I agree with ALSFF.....Nitro is a great drug (tabs, spray or paste). Its been used consistantly in EMS for as long as I can remember (back to 1979....maybe even longer). Works great for AMI's, CHF's, HTN & angina. ALSFF is right that Medics need to follow up post nitro administration with an evaluation of vital signs and the chest pain or CHF symptoms. Just have to monitor the BP closely to make sure your patient doesn't bottom out. Headaches are a small price that the patient pays.

  9. It's a great looking helmet, but he has to play by the rules set forth by the department. How about a flag sticker, and/or a sticker from his branch of military service on a regular helmet.

    Yea, but if you're gonna' "play by the rules" then is a flag sticker or a sticker from his branch of the military part of the official uniform? It seems to be a double edge sword. Maybe the rules should be relaxed a bit....... Food for thought.

  10. That thought had occurred to me too... but if you look at the helmet, it's not really a flag at all, it's painted red white and blue with stylized elements of flag. I think that's far enough from a real flag, or representation of one, to not be covered by the Flag Code?

    I'd be more interested to know why it's an issue now, after apparently being accepted with no problem for three years.


    Very good point. So he's not violating any rules regarding the American flag.

  11. The guy received lots of support for his helmet but the fact is the Chief is 100% correct in his statements and decision. First of all, the helmet is a part of the uniform, with rules and regulations, and no firefighter should be altering his uniform, regardless of how good his intention is.

    Second, and more importantly, this helmet is an improper way to display the American Flag. This isn't only my opinion, this is according to Section 8 of the Flag Code of the United States. This brother is a military veteran and should know better. It was stated in the arcticle that the Dept. allows small stickers on the helmet, so the proper thing for him to do if he wants to show his patriotism is to get a flag decal and wear it properly.

    I provided a link to the flag code for you to read. Once you do you'll see just how much our flag is disrespected and improperly displayed on a daily basis. People think they have the right to paint red, white and blue with stars and stripes on whatever they want in the name of patriotism but actually noone, including war veterans, firemen, cops, etc. has the right to change the way the flag should be properly displayed.

    It represents our country, the greatest country on this planet. It should be given the utmost honor and respect.

    flag code - http://www.ushistory.org/betsy/flagcode.htm

    other interesting info - http://www.ushistory.org/betsy/flagetiq.html

    It doesn't appear that the firefighter in question mean't any disrespect.

  12. Has the subject of making a regional fire service by combining the lower Westchester Departments ever been discussed?

    Namely Yonkers, Mt. Vernon, both Pelhams, New Rochelle, Eastchester, 3 Greenburghs, Scarsdale and White Plains.

    These are all paid dept's thus creating the greatest tax burden to their residents.

    It probably would turn out to be a great department, delivering the best service.

    This could be the easiest first step to saving money and providing excellent fire protection.

    Sounds like a great Idea Mike but I'm afraid that all of the politics and personalities would get in the way. The idea should be considered for EMS and maybe even PD too. Set up different regions thruout Westchester.