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Everything posted by KeyboardCommando

  1. Mount Vernon FD employing criminals isn't something new. I'm all for second chances but some of these guys have records with multiple pages! From 2014: And from 2008....
  2. Long time reader, this is my first post because no one is looking at this angle. It starts from the top down. Example: DES can't and doesn't want to pay for proper staffing and facilities for 60 Control. The entire county can't even commit to ONE dispatch system. DES is doing nothing to show they can even begin to lead any sort of consolidation effort or shore up mutual aid concerns. And no departments are truly working together in the proactive planning sense. Nobody wants to pay for anything, they just want to talk and talk and talk. Billing other departments would be a joke because unless there is a law saying they have to pay, that bill is just going to the shredder.