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Posts posted by Reliance

  1. I'm looking for information different shift schedules from different departments. Also if anyone has the basic layout of FDNY's schedule, could you please post it. I tried to seach this on the site but have not been successful to find it.


    We run 24/72 in Nova Scotia

  2. There are some notable places that use modern articulating platforms regularly, but they are not without limitations and issues. Typically they require a much larger footprint, than most platform apparatus. They also are much slower to set up and most often require a turntable operator (a good idea all the time, but not always required when staffing is short with other units). The up and over of power lines is a scary thought when there's heavy smoke obscuring vision. But on the plus side up and over or out and down are certainly advantageous at times. Like anything else, these apparatus compliment other well design aerials in a FD or area, but rarely are they best as a single truck in a FD. I think Manchester, NH runs 2 or 3 right now, probably the most per station of any FD in the US.

    E-One has delivered Brontos one to St.John, New Brunswick, St. John's Newfoundland and has one on order for Halifax, Nova Scotia.

    Atlantic Canada & Ontario Dealer is Carrier Center in Ontario

  3. Not that uncommon once you get out into rural America. I've talked to colleagues who work in Northern Maine, and they have volunteer ambulances who have to "relay" their patients from service to service because the hospital is well over a hundred miles from town. They'll meet up half way with an ambulance service that is located closer to the hospital and transfer care; this sometimes happens 2-3 times on a transport depending on the distance. Funny to think back in the old days I used to have BLS crews get mad about going from Putnam county to Danbury with a trauma......

    We have a regional hospital 5 minutes from my house. If you need special care the main trauma critical care hospital is 3 hours from me.

  4. Campbell's Supply website today officially announced today that they are now the Crimson dealer for all of New Jersey, Eastern Pennsylvania and part of New York.

    New Jersey was covered by New Jersey Emergency Vehicles (PL Custom); Eastern Pennsylvania was Kaza and American Fire Service with New York district was Hendrickson Fire Service.

    Anyone else have anything further to add or confirm.

    It looks like Kaza cut in half, American Fire Service gone, NJEV gone and Hendrickson cut in half.

  5. Does anyone on here know what is happening in New Jersey, Pennsylvania & New York for Crimson

    It seems that Campbell Supply has taken over part of Hendrickson Fire Apparatus in New York, Kaza Supply in Pennsylvania and maybe PL Custom in New Jersey as New Jersey Emergency Vehicles website is down and no longer available.

    It also seems to be that they are taking over some of Seagrave's territory in New Jersey.

  6. 5" intake or discharges... I did find the rear 5" tank fill, but i didnt see any discharges... I am unsure is kent is big with the 5" hose, but seems more depts are starting to use it; plus more water can be taken/given in less amount of time with the larger hose...

    In our department any one who wants to drive anything over a 1/2 ton or utility van has to pass a drivers course by the department, a class 3 cdl from the PNS RMV and an air brake endorsement.

  7. I hate to bring this up, but what about focusing in on consolidating districts and MAYBE provididng paid services, ESPECIALLY EMS, instead of EVERY district spending $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ on stuff that EVERY district has and not all of them need!!!!!!!

    Look at Mount Pleasant. There are 5 (Hawthorne, Valhalla, Pleasantville, Thornwood and Pocantico Hills) fire departments. There are 4 aerial/tower ladders, probably in the area of 15 engines, 5 rescues and numerous support units. You can drive from Pleasantville HQ to the Kensico Dam in about 10 minutes (no traffic) and pass, or come close to 5 fire houses. All together, there are 8 or 9 firehouses in Mount Pleasant.

    The time is going to come when someone is going to put and end to situations like this. For volunteers to survive, we must be proactive and initiate a change instead of being a victim of forced change. Just look at the fate of the BIG 5 volunteers in Stamford. The city if slaying them and not too many people care. They will simply fade away.

    So, before specifying $6,500,000 firehouses and $1,000,000 aerials, realize that every time an EMS call gets toned out 4-5 times and then goes to mutual aid or there are calls where you repeatedly have to re-tone for manpower, people are listening and big price tags will do nothing but amplify the history of rediculous expenditures by the volunteers of this county. Here is a link to a Nova Scotia, Canada department building a new 6 bay fire hall for under 3 mil Canadian.

  8. That reminds me of another point. How many Aeialscopes stared their life in busy FDNY Co.s and after their replacement STILL serve other Departments with a little refurbishment. You can get a serviceable Aerialscope in service out of the FDNY, and refurb it for about a 1/4 to 1/3 of the price of a new unit and still get 10-15 GOOD years out of it. While imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery, when it comes to tower ladders NOTHING beats the original.


    Check out Advantage Apparatus. They rebuild aerialscopes.

  9. As a dispatcher I agree. It would also probably create a lot of unnecessary extra radio traffic on a clogged airwave. That is usually why we set a an incident command vehicle on site to handle that type of traffic, sometimes on a separate channell.

    As dispatchers we are also busy getting vehicles on the road and notifying other resourses as needed.

  10. What seems strange and confusing is that the truck is/was a 1987 model and the accident was in 2005. That is 18 years later. Would it not be up to the municipality or the fire department to see that the vehicle is repaired faithfully when needed. Since when do manufacturers keep repairing and maintaining trucks for departments. Isn't that what manufacturers and dealers are for. Or am I missing something other than he left the aux. brake on and was maybe going a little fast for the road conditions.