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Posts posted by DaRock98

  1. How long does it usually take the live support team to get back to a message? I sent in a request to the live support about 3 weeks ago and STILL have not heard back from anyone has anyone else had this problem? Is this normal? I'm sure they are busy but 3 weeks seems kind of long to me. I will ask this question to the general public maybe one of you guys can help me. I wanted to know how do I quote either 1 or 2 sentences of a post and how do I quote multiple posts in my 1 post? Hope that makes sense. Thank you in advance for anyone who can help me.

  2. It's not a secret Seth, and I'll guess that more than half the people on this site DON'T pay my salary, it's just not something I'm going to post for all to see.

    What salary we get after starting pay is what my Union negotiates for me and my fellow YFD members and it's our business.

    If John Q taxpayer wants to know what it is, and he's a Yonkers taxpayer, let him go to City Hall and ask. This isn't the place...

    When a certain someone was a firefighter, I don't remember seeing his former Dept's salary posted for all to see, except that one time he posted his Chief's salary...

    and that was wrong and I told him so in a PM...

    I contribute to my doctor and lawyer's salaries every time I visit them but I don't ask them how much they make a year. It's out of respect, and I bet they make more than me...

    As far as residency is concerned, absolutely resident's get first preference. If you want to work in Yonkers bad enough, move there and establish a residence.

    That's exactly what I did when I left my first Dept. I bought a Co-op on Midland Ave., took the test the next year and got on.

    Just understand that the YPD does investigate fully to see if you really live where you say you do. And they do investigate. We didn't take someone for our last

    class because they didn't live in Yonkers and there are plenty of men from the past that got threatened with arrest for lying about their residency and weren't hired.

    They got threatened really? Was there any further action taken? Sorry to drag this off topic but I am curious.

  3. I was up in Albany today, so I figured I stop by and visit our friends at OFPC at Empire State Plaza and say hello. I had a very nice visit and was welcomed openly. So I asked if they had any Tot Finder stickers. I was told that OFPC does not use and issue them anymore, for two reasons the first one being that when people move and new tenants move in and don’t remove the sticker if they don’t have children causes a problem. I thought to myself well that’s really not a good reason and how often does that happen for them to stop issuing the sticker. The second reason really floored me because it is so twisted. The main reason why they don’t issue them anymore is because of child molesters. I never thought of those sick people when I looked at that sticker. Who would think that a small inexpensive tool as the Tot Finder would put a child in even more danger then a fire?

    Now here is the tough question. Do you think having the sticker in a window outweighs the danger of a child being abducted by a molester? This is a tough one to answer butI can see why OFPC does not sponser this anymore.

    I am in charge of my departments fire prevention this year and I found the stickers being sold from this company Positive Promotions. They no longer suggest having the stickers put on the outside of the window but now are telling people to put them on the bottom corner of the child's door to his bedroom inside the house. I never knew why but I guess that is a good reason. People in this world are sick and it amazes me how these crazy f**** think. Sorry but that makes me absolutely sick to hear something like that.

  4. The Brother from New Rochelle was not on duty for the job. He often takes pictures and contributes to the media. He takes alot of pictures for New Rochelle and I do not find any reason why he should not be able to contribute.

    You shouldn't be taking pictures of victims at accident scenes and posting them. I think it is great that firefighters take the pictures and contribute for the simple fact they can self edit the ones they want the media to get and leave out the ones that should not have been taken in the first place.

    I am not sure if I should start the paid vs volly thing with a statement like that.

    I don't know how this can become a paid vs vollie thing but NO I don't think you should start anything like that, I'm tired of that topic on this site and I feel it has been discussed plenty of times here so I think you should keep those comments to yourself. Thank you.

  5. My boss got into an accident on 287 this winter in the middle of a snow storm he ended up rear ending the person in front of him because he hit the brakes and slid right into someone that was a good 300-400 ft in front of him and the state trooper wrote him a ticket for following to close. He ended up pleading not guilty to the ticket when he went to court and the judge dropped the ticket. So it is hard to prove something like that I guess.

  6. I agree with the blue light bringing attention to your car. I will never understand the people who sit at red lights with the blue light going to me it makes no sense what so ever! I also found myself driving much faster with the blue light on. I decided to take my light off my car for that reason and for the fact the no one gets out of my way anyway! During the day its hard for other drivers to even see it. Now that I don't have it on my car I find I still get to the firehouse in the same amount of time I was and I am driving much slower and realized that if God forbid I do get into an accident it's even more of a reason for people to blame the fire department. If I miss the truck OH WELL Ill make the second one the is no reason to be driving like a maniac to a call you get 5 times a week for people smoking in the bathroom.

  7. Joe, you're right....I can not win no matter what I do. I try to please everyone, and that's my problem.

    Can someone translate this for me? It makes absolutely no sense because it's so hard to read w/ grammar and spelling. Also, each sentence seems to contradict each other. I'm not being sarcastic either.

    Well I can't translate it for you b/c I dont understand it myself but I think your problem is that you try to please everyone. I think thats great BUT you need to start thinking about yourself and not what everyone else thinks. This is YOUR site you have over 7,500 members and there is no way you are going to please everyone. Do what you got to do and people just have to deal with it like it or leave it. Thank you for bringing the .com back I love seeing the main photo and active topics as soon as I log on. Keep up the good work and don't let a few people bring you down.

  8. I disagree..You dont need 2 ambualnces. Rehab as in fans and water and rest, lies within the fire dept. The ambulance on scene she be standing by for any unexpected incidents. The rescue (depending if your dept has one) should be utilized for rehab. Also rehab is supposed to be away from the scene, so the ff's dont get so excited watching the fire and want to go running back. Our policy in our dept is rehab to be away from the sight of the fire. The ambulance crew should be at the IC ready to go if needed. Of course all SOPS are different, my dept is a combo dept and we have our own ambulances. Our ambulance doesnt get called unless we go to a second alarm.

    You may not NEED 2 ambulances at a working fire but if you have the manpower and the coverage I say why not, it can't hurt. Personally I would like to have 2 of them at the scene but thats just my opinion. I agree that rehab should be away from the scene but not to far away just in case the stuff really hits the fan you don't want your ff's running back to the scene if they need to get back quickly. The one thing I have witnessed at a fire is the EMS being a block and a half away and not right up next to the IC, if they are not carring a radio how do they know if they are needed? I know a lot of ff's who never go to rehab I guess they feel they don't need it but if EMS is right there as you walk out I would like to see them approach members and make them sit down for a set of vitals and a quick drink of water. I know its not a perfect world but that would be some of the things I would like to see being done by EMS.

  9. I think dual tone DOES help but not nearly as much as an air horn. Nothin' says 'get outta the way or your car's about to get f***ed-up' like the siren going in the background and a nice blast from the air-horn.

    Based on my experiance driving my POV, there no fricken way people don't know I'm coming... I usually hear something coming WAAAAAY before they get there, and I have hearing loss. Any time folks aren't gettin out of the way, it's because they CHOSE not to, so my approach is to make them think something real big is coming their way.

    I don't think I agree with that. People with there $10,000 radio systems who you can hear coming from a mile away probably won't hear you. I had one back in the day and a lot of kids in my town still have them and sometimes I feel I can hear them better then a siren, try being in a car with 3 12 inch JL audio sub woofers and let me know if you can hear a siren coming. :lol:

  10. I am actually one of the lucky ones as well. My boss allows me to come into work late/leave work early if an alarm comes in as long as I call him on my way to the call to let him know I will be late. The only day I am not aloud to leave is Saturday's because I am the only one in the office. As long as we are not busy and it's not during holiday time he has no problem letting me leave to answer a fire call b/c 9 times out of 10 I will be back within 30-45 mins the most. He however would prefer me not to leave for ems calls b/c they happen more often and take a lot longer for me to return back to work, if they are requesting a driver on ems calls he will let me go. I do still get paid for time out of the office and it does not count toward any vacation/sick time.