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Posts posted by DaRock98

  1. Looks great. I have a few questions about it.

    1. What is inside it?

    2. Can it be reserved by other fire depts to bring to there open houses? and if so far would you be willing to travel? also would it come staffed or would the dept running the show have to man it?

    3. Was this built and painted by department members?

    4. Is it in service yet?

    Sorry for the thousands of questions.

    Once again great job! Looking forward to hearing more about it.

  2. I was in my 2nd period study hall when the biggest liar in the entire school came in and said that a plane just crashed into the towers. Everyone looked at him and was like "yea sure Mike" not one person believed a word that he said. Just minutes after he told us that the principle got on to the loudspeaker and made the announcement that the towers were hit. Just after that I left school with a bunch of my friends and went up to rockwood park and looked down toward the city and you could see all of the smoke pouring out of the city. I remember it like it was yesterday.

  3. My dept. uses the system for both our Fire and EMS and I have yet to find any draw backs about it except the fact they are in separate banks (Fire is on A and EMS is on B) It makes it a little difficult for the people who are no so familiar with the system to realize that they need to switch banks to contact the other rig and or IC.(mostly the older members who have been trained on it but just don't want to learn it). Other then that it works great for us and we have yet find any spots in our district that the system doesn't work. One last point is I don't like how you can't hear the chief call in or hear any updates over the pager while you are en route to the firehouse. Sometimes those updates can be very important and if they are the chief usually has 60 re dispatch the update but if no chief signs on we have to wait till the first rig calls in. But like I said other then those 2 minor defaults I think its a great system.

  4. Here is one I got the other day as well:

    Liu Yan

    1 Garden Road

    Hong Kong,

    I sincerely ask for forgiveness for I know this may seem like a complete intrusion to your privacy but right about now this is my best option of communication. This mail might come to you as a surprise and the temptation to ignore it as frivolous could come into your mind; but please consider it a divine wish and accept it with a deep sense of humility

    This letter must surprise you because we have never meet before neither in person nor by correspondence,but I believe that it takes just one day to meet or know someone either physically or through correspondence.

    I got your contact through my personal search, you were revealed as being quite astute in private entrepreneurship,and one has no doubt in your ability to handle a financial business transaction. I am Liu Yan a transfer supervisor operations in investment section in Bank of China Ltd. Secretariat of the BOCHK Charitable Foundation 13/F. Bank of China Tower, 1 Garden Road,Hong Kong I have an obscured business suggestion for you.Before the U.S and Iraqi war our client General Mohammed Jassim Ali who work with the Iraqi forces and also business man made a numbered fixed deposit for 18 calendar months, with a value of (I will disclose amount upon your reply) in my branch.

    Upon maturity several notices was sent to him, even early in the war,again after the war another notification was sent and still no response came from him,We later find out that General Mohammed Jassim Ali and his family had been killed during the war in a bomb blast that hit their home.

    After further investigation it was also discovered that General Mohammed Jassim Ali did not declare any next of kin in his official papers including the paper work of his bank deposit. And he also confided in me the last time he was at my office that no one except me knew of his deposit in my bank. So, (I will disclose amount upon your reply) is still lying in my bank and no one will ever come forward to claim it. What bothers me most is that, according to the to the laws of my country at the expiration 3 years the funds will revert to the ownership of the Hong Kong Government if nobody applies to claim the funds.

    Against this backdrop, my suggestion to you is that I will like you as a foreigner to stand as the next of kin to General Mohammed Jassim Ali so that you will be able to receive his funds.I want you to know that I have had everything planned out so that we shall come out successful.

    I have contacted an attorney who will prepare the legal documents that will back you up as the next of kin to General Mohammed Jassim Ali,

    all what is required from you at this stage is for you to provide me with your Full Names, private phone number and Address so that the attorney can commence his job. After you have been made the next of kin, the attorney will also fill in for claims on your behalf and secure the necessary approval and letter of probate in your favor for the transfer of the funds to an account that will be provided by you with my guidance.There is no risk involved at all in the matter as we are going adopt a legalized method and the attorney will prepare all the necessary documents.

    Please endeavor to observe utmost discretion in all matters concerning this issue.

    Once the funds have been transferred to your nominated bank account we shall discuss the percentage issue on your reply.

    If you are interested please send me your full names and current residential address, and I will prefer you to reach me on my private and secure email address below and finally after that I shall provide you with more details of this operation.

    Best Regards

    Liu Yan


  5. Date: August 27, 2008

    Time: 15:01

    Location: Broadway @ West Cross Street

    Frequency: 46.26, A FIRE 11 and B EMS 11

    Units Operating: 2191, E155, U41, 63-B1 and 37M1

    Description Of Incident: Units responded to a report of a car traveling southbound on the Taconic parkway lost control and falls off the overpass and landed in the intersection of Broadway and W. Cross St.

    15:01- Hawthorne Fire and EMS dispatched for MVA with injuries for a car that fell off the overpass.

    15:02- 2191 responding

    15:04- 63-B1 and E 155 responding

    15:05- 2191 on location confirming car fell off overpass 1 pt out of the vehicle

    15:06- 63-B1 and E155 on location U41 responding

    15:07- U41 can go back in service per 2191

    15:15- 63-B1 transporting 1 ALS to Westchester Medical Center

    15:30- All other Hawthorne units are back in service.

    *All times are approximate*

    Writer: DaRock98

  6. 20% of the people do 80% of the work. I don't care how many members you have in your firehouse, that's just how it goes. You never know who the "good" members are going to be, but that's what why everyone comes in as probationary. But the more probationary members you have join, the more likely you'll have more productive firefighters.

    I have to agree with you there. Sadly I see the same group of 10-15 people who do absolutely everything they can possibly do in the firehouse while the rest slide by doing the bare minimum and can careless if anything gets done or the trucks get out. While they sit there and do nothing they b**** and complain about everyone else.

  7. Thats just it, when its your job and you are at work being paid to respond its different than when I am at home. Its not a structural fire, its an emergency. And like you said, when you say structure fire its the boy who cried wolf syndrome, keep doing that and you wont even get guys to turn out for them either. If these dispatchers have the ability to get more information from the caller they should be able to include turning off the circuit breaker or the air conditioner and the hair dryer, and the fan and the mini fridge and the tv and the stereo and the iron all connected to the same circuit.

    Gotcha thanks.

  8. As someone who has been to hundreds of electrical emergency's ill tell you this, if its me getting paid for it, send 3 and 2, if I am doing it for free do not send it over as a structure fire, cause it isnt. Its very subjective as it depends on where you are. I would be sure to ask what kind of building it is. If its an apt in a crappy area then I would be more inclined to send 3 and 2 as water leaks and bx cable make for one fun event! If its a new house I would be less likely to send everyone, but thats a Union issue. I have been to quite a few water leaks that are actually electrical emergency's and its not a problem to handle it with the one truck that is assigned. It can also depend on the response policy of the Dept, if the guys get on the rig and respond instead of responding to the scene it would def change the way I would want things dispatched, but one Engine is enough for an electrical emergency until you get more information.

    I don't think I understand your reply can you explain it a little more? I don't understand what getting paid for it or not has to do with it. My personal opinion is if it is a vollie dept to put it out as a structure fire because from my past experience possible structure fires gets a much better response then an inside electrical problem from members.(at least in my dept) It's sad to say but its true there are a few members who only like to come out for "the good stuff."

    If it came over my pager as an inside electrical problem it would only get a 1 engine and utility response. Once on the road the dispatcher advises me the there is smoke and sparks showing I would defiantly upgrade the alarm to a full response. Once on scene I would bring just like everyone else said TIC, Irons, Roof hook, ABC extinguisher, water can etc. Once on scene if its found to be no emergency start sending people back. Better to be safe then sorry in my opinion.

  9. Great post ALS! I think he hit the nail right on the head.

    I feel a lot of people on here forget that they were once kids to and that no one is perfect. Kids will be kids and want to have fun but also need to show respect to their elders. I know I am still considered a "youngster" to someone you and thats fine but I am not one of those wise a** kids who think they know it all. I learn something new in the fire service everyday because I know how to shut up and listen to what has to be said, if I don't agree with something I politely disagree and give what my opinion is. Am I always right? NO, but I still like to give my side without being put down like some of the old timers in my department like to do. If I am wrong I take what I have been told and try to figure out what the right answer is and why. Some people don't want to take the time and explain the correct answer so how do you blame the kids for always thinking they are right when no one wants to help them figure the right answer? The world has drastically changed and adapted to the new generation but some in the fire service don't want to believe it or even think of it happening in "their" department. I think people need to realize that change will happen whether they like it or not it's something that is a must in my mind. The kids today are the future of the fire service and some may have good ideas and some might not but I feel if the older generation wants respect they have to give a little in return. Just my 2 cents.

  10. Most kids would have to look up from their laptop computers, I-phones, PS 3, Xbox, Sidekick phones, their bongs, designer drugs or whatever else it is they do OTHER then being a productive member of society to even realize someone is pitching recruitment their way. It's a "me me me" world where everyone wants something in return for their time. There is no future in the volunteer fire service or EMS and the future of career fire departments is screwed too - no sense of pride, brotherhood or plain old "doing the right thing" left.

    I blame it on the parents who don't discipline their kids, the schools for being too easy on them and the overall lack of respect all public safety professionals (especially cops who continually get crapped on) for how useless future generations will be.

    I say we round up the Guidance Counselers and get them involved with our worlds and maybe then we can get some of these skateboarding, pot smoking, LEXUS DRIVING (Grrrrr) punks a sense of how to give back - whether they do it for nothing or pursue a career as a firefighter, EMT, Medic or Cop. Stop pushing everyone into "corporate America" where they never have a sense of self-satisfaction and bury their miseries in a bottle....

    OUCH! :P

  11. Answer the question ("What would your Chief say....") instead of sounding like a bunch of disgruntled vollies....

    Again, why is bashing career guys allowed to continue unabated on EMTBravo? Remove this topic. Nothing positive is gonna come from it. We all think it was bad move to drop the lady off at the train station. Now move on.

    And here we go again.

  12. so what your saying is the rig was purchased to go first due to neighboring districts both of whom to my knowledge have some big rescue trucks. If hawthorne is so worried about being tied up with them then perhaps they should voice their concern. I don't know how many mva's there are in mount pleasant but i can't imagine there are that many so i still don't see the reason behind that purchase.

    No that was not the reason behind the purchase of the utility truck. One of the MANY reasons was that our old utility was out dated and didn't carry much more then manpower to and from the firehouse, so when it was time to think about a new one Valhalla did and excellent job in specking theirs out and it carries a lot of useful equipment the dept heads decided to follow their lead and purchase something similar that we could get a lot of use out of besides just shuffling manpower around.

    Yes this was a thread about Hawthorne's new ladder not the reasoning behind buying our utility. NYFIRE if you want to know more about our utility PM me and I will be glad to answer all of your questions since this seems to concern you so much.

  13. So when the rig crashes and your 100, 200 or 300 (or whatever) pounds slam into me ending my career thats ok......I'm wearing mine and my injury is not caused by my actions, they are your fault. And if I (or my family) can sue you or not or even win is not the issue.

    The issue is you may believe you can be hurt or not care. But if your on my rig your job is to protect my back. If you can't or won't do that ..........I can not call you "Brother".

    Excellent post!

  14. 200' Booster or 200' preconnected 1-1/2" hose

    1-1/2" carried 400 feet

    1-1/2" spare (may also be carried) 200 feet

    2-1/2" carried 400 feet

    2-1/2" spare (may also be carried) 200 feet

    2-1/2" or Larger carried 800 feet

    14-ft. roof (for the engine credit)

    16-ft. roof

    20-ft. roof or 2) 16-ft. roof

    24-ft. extension (for the engine credit)

    28-ft. extension

    35-ft. extension

    Note: you also need to carry a minimum of 10 SCBA's and 10 spare tanks, plus full complement of engine and ladder equipment. Full size tandum axle quints dont have enough room to carry what required.

    40-ft. extension or 2) 35-ft. extensions

    Thank You.