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Posts posted by Danger

  1. http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/11/27/obit.taylor.ap/index.html

    MIAMI, Florida (AP) -- Washington Redskins safety Sean Taylor has died, a day after he was shot in the leg, said family friend Richard Sharpstein.

    Sean Taylor never regained consciousness after being taken to a hospital, says a family friend.

    He said Taylor's father called him around 5:30 a.m. to tell him the news.

    "His father called and said he was with Christ and he cried and thanked me," said Sharpstein, Taylor's former lawyer. "It's a tremendously sad and unnecessary event. He was a wonderful, humble, talented young man, and had a huge life in front of him. Obviously God had other plans."

    He said he did not know exactly when Taylor died.

    Doctors had been encouraged late Monday night when Taylor squeezed a nurse's hand. But Sharpstein said he was told Taylor never regained consciousness after being transported to the hospital and that he wasn't sure how he had squeezed the nurse's hand.

    "Maybe he was trying to say goodbye or something," Sharpstein said.

    The 24-year-old Redskins safety was shot early Monday in his home in the upper leg, damaging an artery and causing significant blood loss.

    Miami-Dade Police were investigating the attack, which came just eight days after an intruder was reported at Taylor's home. Officers were dispatched about 1:45 a.m. Monday after Taylor's girlfriend called 911. Taylor was airlifted to the hospital.

    Sharpstein said Taylor's girlfriend told him the couple was awakened by loud noises, and Taylor grabbed a machete he keeps in the bedroom for protection. Someone then broke through the bedroom door and fired two shots, one missing and one hitting Taylor, Sharpstein said. Taylor's 1-year-old daughter, Jackie, was also in the house at the time, but neither she nor Taylor's girlfriend were injured.

    "It could have been a possible burglary; it could have been a possible robbery," Miami-Dade Police Lt. Nancy Perez said. "It has not been confirmed as yet."

    Taylor was shot at the pale yellow house he bought two years ago in the Miami suburb of Palmetto Bay. Taylor played at the University of Miami, where he was an All-American in 2003, and was also a high school standout in the city. His father, Pedro Taylor, is the police chief of Florida City.

  2. What I think we should concentrate on is prioritizing calls based on Emergency Medical Dispatch protocols.

    Let me explain:

    Caller X dials 911 reporting they have fell two days ago, and have been having hand pain since. Caller X is asked a series of questions by the Emergency Medical Dispatcher which would appear either on the computer screen or via the EMD card set. The questions are approved by a Doctor who serves as medical control. Based on the questions asked, lets say the caller has no priority symptoms (ie. no diff breathing, chest pain or hemorage) So the call would be classified as BLS. Now, based on YOUR agencies S.O.P.s you could dispatch a BLS ambulance only. Which would leave your medic available for a call with "priority symptoms".

    Although this still technically taxes the system...it leaves your medic available...so he’s not tied up responding to a hand injury from 2 days ago.


    This would require that agencies step up and realize they are sending unnecessary resources to a non-priority call.

    And...that EMT's become less medic dependant. YOU DO NOT NEED A MEDIC ON EVERY CALL! I don't know how many times I hear; "I’m just going to have the medic continue in to check him out." This needs to stop...ASSESS your patient!

    And...whats up with agencies responding to obvious BLS calls "driver only" and either requesting or relying on the medic to ride it in?!?! If it’s an obvious BLS call...why tie up the medic? Someone may actually need him!! If you can't handle the run, go mutual aid...or better yet; insure staffing some other way! Stop using band-aids to cover a GSW! :angry:

    I’m done. DEEP BREATH!

    Dutchess does this. There are plenty of agencies that dispatch a BLS ambulance to low priority calls. Coincidently, these same agencies often cancel their Medic en route.

  3. Westchester is switching to utilizing the CPAT format for the physical agility. So all of you on the list get the info on it and train for it. You never know what may happen with those taking this test. It is much more rigorous than the previous agility format the county used and I'm willing to bet quite a few are not going to be ready or in shape for it.

    Before anyone chimes in asking what the CPAT involves...again for once find out for yourself. Google, yahoo, etc are wonderful search engines and you'll have a sense of accomplishment for doing it yourself. Can't find it there, call OFPC.

    For those of you who keep asking how many took the test...stop being lazy and call Westchester Civil Service and ask.

    If you got a 100, whether you are ranked #1 or #101, if you got a 100 you generally will be interviewed by those who use the county list. Some of you keep asking how far down will they get in a 4 year period...again another question that can't be answered it depends. There are only a few departments that utilize the county list versus residency. They may not ever hire all the 100's by the time the list expires. Then again all but 1 could fail the agility and they will get down to the 95 and 90's. The key here is stay positive, stay in shape for your turn at the agility.

    Best of luck to all of you who passed.

    Great post, if you want to find out about the ESA LODD, use lohud.com, if you want to see apparatus photos, fdnytrucks.com, whatever you do, do not ask questions or look for content here!

  4. I bought one on ebay not realizing the difference, like you did. But even though Dutchess is all UHF, realistically, there really aren't more than 16 channels that I'd ever need to transmit on or even monitor (for actual need, not buff reasons) , so I programmed in what I needed. I got it for over $100 less than the ht1250 going rate, so it was a steal. Also, it was a steal for the person who stole it from my car, so the question is...How much?

  5. East Fishkill is schuluded to recieve a new custom built Rescue/Special Ops Truck(39-51) in Feb 2008. It will be house in Station 1. The assignments for this rig is FAST calls, water rescues, rope rescue and some extrication. It will respond to all station 1 and station 3 MVAs and will assist/back up 39-52(rescue out of st2) when needed. It will also take up some of the utlities(39-61 which will be retired) calls such as EMS assist and brush fire calls. Marion is currently building this vehicle and it will be placed on an International chassis. It is 4 wheel drive and a 5 man cab and can also tow any trailers we have( hazmat, cribbing, 6 wheeler, and the trailer that carries both boats). The colors will be black over red. This vehicle will have a pump and a tank, just not sure of the sizes.

    Okay, questions: 1) I thought 52 ran out of St. 1 on rotation.

    2) Marion/International; so it will look like 52?

    3) Never heard of these trailers, where are they located? HQ?

    4) Boats?

  6. As an American of Italian descent I felt compelled to comment on this. My grandparents, aunt, uncles, etc came here through Ellis Island not speaking a word of English. They immedeatly got jobs and learned English because they knew this was an English speaking country. They became citizens legally with no handouts or government assistance. They worked and built a life and obeyed our laws. I have no problems with immigration. Our country was founded on immigration. I have a problem with those who come here and want rights and privleges right away and break the law because they seem to believe they are protected. I had an illegal who was doing time told me he will get deported but will be able to get back in because it is so easy. Something wrong here.

    I agree with this. Yes, everyone hated the Irish and the eye-tal-yans when they first came here. But they learned English, worked hard and quickly became valuable LEGAL citizens. Hell, by the mid century mark, we had a R.C. mick in his 40's as the president for god sakes! I've heard enough excuses for these people, for all people. Grow up, get a job, have some self respect, don't put your hand out, assimilate. Come to this country to become an American, not to use what was built by the blood of our grandfathers. Now let's see how long it takes to get called a racist in this ridiculous PC society.