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Posts posted by EXDC203

  1. Yonkers.......where do I start? Lets tear down dozens of local buisnesses that are the only source of shopping for most of the people in that area. Next we will tear down a landmark in this city( Yonkers Fire Headquarters). Than they want to build a ballpark...................in a GHETTO.....................................

    The City of Yonkers built on a hill.........where nothing is on the level!!

  2. Reality people.... does the fact that he a firefighter, paid or vollie matter? The issue here is DWI. Look at the past few days papers......drunk cop kills drunk cop.

    The media brings his occupation into it, all it has to say is drunk man steals firetruck. The lesson to be learned here should be about DWI, not ones job.

  3. Enlighten me on the paid vs vollie thing please, especially when there are children seriously injured.....?

    From what I saw that car was smashed inside the toll plaza. (YONKERS TOLL PLAZA). As far as response times, give me a break. I know very well how long it takes to get a page, get to the firehouse, get the truck out and respond, 5 miles. As far as notification to Yonkers it is better to be safe than sorry and this is one of those incidents that if all those people were pinned, everyone would of been very busy. Especially when every unit sent by YFD & YPD would of had EMT'S on every truck.

    Did anyone even think that at Ridge hill, YFD Special Operations Center, usually has highly trained units (Heavy Rescue1 etc.), training therein and it is about 30 seconds away and that YPD ESU is usually stagged on Tuckahoe road, or at the 1st pct. Thank god this incident didn't turn out bad. And as far as your paid vs vollie comment, it shows how unprofessional and immature you really are. There is no more tension in the air than the FD VS PD quarrels, but when push comes to shove everyone is a proffessional and work together to accomplish whatever task is at hand.

  4. I am a former soldier, its not right to show what we might "THINK" is going on over there. for 13 months I said my prayers for my sister until she was safe on U.S. soil. How would you feel if it were your family member over there? I dont care how good the show might be......it should not be on the air during a war!!