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Posts posted by afd65

  1. in ardsley the dpw does it as well and they do, do a pretty good job sometimes. many of the members do also break down and plow it since it sometimes does not get done. also in delhi the dpw does it there but we are usally the last one to get plow after the strom is over. and right across the street is a state place wit trucks and salt and they can't do it for us

  2. i agree with sloty. when u get a lot of juniors at a fire house for a call everything goes crazy because sometimes they don't know how to act and they do go crazy and piss off firemen. so i don't think they need pagers also because they can't go on calls so y do u need one? if u are not goin to go on calls they u should not have one

  3. HFD211:did any one else happen to hear the rare call for yonkers squad 311 to the scene, i guess 60 will be recoginizing the number being they called yonkers to go to mt vernon.....

    yes i did hear that but i didn't think to much of it. i guess 60 control will be reconginizing. when they call for a squad in the county like one of those buses whit the squad trailer to they call it a squad or what

  4. our architect i think is the same one as the rye brook fire house. also i am not 100% sure on where the trucks r goin to be going i have been at college for a long time and when i got home i found all of this out but once we know where the trucks r going to be put i will let u all know