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Posts posted by afd65

  1. i agree with JBE in that depending on there age mutalrity level and exprences give them something to do beside wash hose wash the trucks and stuff like that. help them get involved in your deptarment since they will be with u in a couple of years. also u should help them have there own drills to get them away from washing the trucks with the rest of the department. give them there own night. but i still do not think they need pagers if they are not going to be able to ride on the truck to calls

  2. here is the situation: u are called for your rescue, light tower, light truck, w/e it is, to a scene that investigaters are on that need light. everyone has already been takin out of the cars and trucks and takin to the hospital. so there is no true emergency. Would u respond to this incident with lights and seirns like any other call? or with lights and obeying all traffic laws or with no lights and no seirns?