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Posts posted by Jybehofd

  1. Well its about time the new firehouse in Armonk is open and has been in serivce for a while now. We still have some bugs to work out of her just like any new piece of equipment. I heard rummors of a wet down or open house day around the fire house but no date is truly set though. What i do know is that we are going to be having a big bash for out 75th aniniveristy next year in 2005. This picture is the south side of the building. The bay door open up on the side of the building. There are 14 bays on the floor. 8 on one side and 6 on the other. Its a big difference from the old firehouse that had 4 bay door with are trucks going 2 to 3 deep behind one door. Now each truck has its own door. Well this is also the new website we have thanks to the boyscot troop in our town.


    www.armonkfd.org (alt+p)