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Posts posted by SgtGumby311

  1. When are the lawmakers going to wake up and realize that if a P.O. dies in the line-of-duty. it will not be without repercussions? Why should all the taxpayers have to pay for these animals to get 3 meals and cable tv, while all the families have are pictures and memories? It boggles my mind that there are those that feel that life in prison is a more harsh punishment than the death penalty.

    Condolences to the family of P.O. Timoshenko....His death will not be in vain.

  2. This goes way beyond the "how to beat a traffic ticket" ads you hear on the radio. This guy is putting anyone who does a car stop at risk. While he is being investigated, they should look at who is buying his tapes and check them out. I'm sure that his patrons are not exactly pillars of the community.

  3. The concept of blowing up the tanks got everyone thinking. Thank God that they didn't have the means to carry it out. After the arrests, a representative from the gas company said that even if a charge was set off, it would be localized and that safety valves would prevent explosions throughout the line. Also, all gas is not created equal. There is a big difference between jet fuel and natural gas. One thing for sure, they all go boom...

  4. One of the main things to remember is that it takes money to fund these operations. If you can establish that money is being sent from the U.S. back to the home countries of Dr.'s and other professionals, for the purpose of destroying our way of life, prosecution of those involved will serve as a major blow to future events. The ACLU tries to tie our hands regarding the rights of these individuals, without the foresight or common sense to learn from the past. Just my opinion...