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Everything posted by SgtGumby311

  1. A tragic loss for WPPD...Our prayers and condolences to his family.
  2. Without going into specifics, there will be more heightened security measures for the near future. The best thing you can do if you are traveling is: get to the airport early, pack smart for carry-ons, not a lot of clutter and listen to the directions that are being given. When in doubt, put it in your checked luggage.
  3. I pray that there will be no need for a trial for this animal. The only thing the taxpayer's should be responsible for is replacing the bullet's needed to take this guy out...My heartfelt condolences to the families of the fallen Officer's and their Department.
  4. I watched AG Eric Holder answer questions regarding the trial....Charles Schumer brought up the fact, that at minimum, it would cost $75 Mil, just to cover security...But don't worry, Holder said the gov't would pick up the tab!!
  5. Sounds like a moot point after what Sheldon Silver has said.... The plates are definitely ugly, but to use this as way way to close the budget gap is compltely wrong...As for the vanity plates, apparently that is to be determind at a later time.
  6. The layout looks good....The changes will take some getting used to, but it looks worth it. Nice job Seth
  7. Get the phone #, call and ask
  8. The incident took place at BOCES-(Greenburgh jurisdiction)- offender jumped the fence to WCC-(County jurisdiction)
  9. Greenburgh had the subject in custody within 15 minutes of the stabbing. Subject ran into the PE Building. Perimeter set up by WCPD and Greenburgh, Air-2 overhead...
  10. If you look around, most PD's are going with the Charger, a fine choice, in my opinion...
  11. There is a special place in Hell for this guy, let's hope he get's to visit it as soon as possible...This tragedy shows, that MOS, regardless of agency, are a family and you don't mess with the family...
  12. Condolences and prayers to his family and to YFD....A tragic loss
  13. I would love to see the ads her opponent will run for the next election!!!
  14. They are allowed, however, to fart in their general direction!!!
  15. Chances are, that if someone is that drunk, they're not focusing on signs. Maybe paint "wrong way" on the road itself in big, bright letters...
  16. has all the info. you need
  17. Heartfelt condolences to the family and the Dept. This Officer is a true hero in life and in death, as he was an organ donor. His memory will live on
  18. I wish the Officer's a speedy recovery.....Luckily the taxpayer's won't be paying for a trial!!
  19. Another cowardess act by someone who has "issues". My condolences to the families and friends of the fallen officers.
  20. Condolences to the family and colleagues....22 years on the job and a repeat offneder is responsible for this tragic loss....Find a high tree and a short rope.
  21. Call Judge Judy or The People's Court
  22. I think it looks great......Definitely eye opening.
  23. Awesome show, have been watching it for a month.....highly recommend