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Posts posted by Alfons0x66

  1. My thing is don't say anything unless you know what you have!! Your on location that good and 60-control understands that,now check it out what do you have? Are you sure? if so then say it. Me personally Treat every alarm as if it was a fire.Always drive safe ,use caution but you never know what your in store for so be prepared.

    well said chief

  2. muellerk, i know you are from the town and you know what jambore was talking about, there was no need for the animosity in your return, statement, adn it is possible for the vehicle to have gotten to that speed, the car was in good condition before the accident.

  3. i have a 1010 in yellow and in black, but nothing is as comfortable as my fathers new yorker, broken in and 25 years old. Not to get off topic but having personal stuff is more assuring. I have an entire set of gear, from RIT harness to nomex hood that is mine, i own it, and i feel more comfortable in that set, than I do in the set i keep at the firehouse, which is set up the exact same way.

  4. smoke showing upon arrival, heavy smoke while entering the stairwell to second floor. the fire apartment was around a corner so at first it appeared the hall way was involved, once the actual fire was located it was knocked down in a matter of minutes. E-42 stretched 1 handline and established own water supply. E39 sent manpower to building, 21 truck laddered roof, all other rigs were standing by on scene. this was a perfect example of why all comercial alarms should be taken seriously, this is a building we frequent for false alarms, today, the system paid off. great knock down by MFD great job done by all