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Posts posted by BIGRED1

  1. I was at this accident. seems the guy was ghost driving and didn't

    have his lights on. the other car was on its way to the airport. one of

    the passangers died at the hospital.

    as for apparatus there, there were 2 FDNY ladders, 3 FDNY engines, 1

    FDNY sqaud engine(squad 41 i think, the one with the flag on the side.),

    Pelham Manors E-1 and E-2. plus an assortment of County and town


    anyone know why FDNY was paged out before PMFD? when i arrived on

    scene, FDNY was already up and running. could not have been more then 5 mins

    from when the page went out to when i was on the Hutch.

  2. Ok first of all i have no problem with the fight against cancer, my grandfather had it three times before it took him, so don't take this the wrong way. I know many people die from it everyday.


    I really really hate those damn yellow bracelet things!! everyone has one or has a pink one. it is a status symbol. "hey look i have a yellow bracelet on, i am making a diffrence." i know that lance kicked the crap out of cancer then he won the Tour De France, 6 TIMES. i am the first to say thats a survivors story that anyone can get behind, but if you are soo into the cause maybe more then just $1 would be good. yes every dollar helps but hey why not write a check for $20, $50, hey lets get crazy and write one for $100. do you think these people would give a dollar if you came up to them on the street in NY with a water jug and said give to help cure cancer? Nope! keep on walking.

    with that i hope they do find a cure and i hope that they find it soon.

  3. hey ALS,

    do they have any blueprint layouts of the cellar in the smoke house up at the county? i wanted to have an over head view so i could plan my drill layout and see what doors open in and out.

    i did like the "chock the door" idea to see how guys would react to the entrapment situation. i don't think we can use a heating unit in the smoke house. maybe if i used a flood light in the can? plus if we flow water in there basement with a heating unit that would be a real hazard and i have no plans of loseing a guy doing a training drill. ;-)

  4. thanks als. we mainly use the cellar when whe cant get the burn house. if we can get the burn house, we are burnin it up.

    we do use a smoke machine, so the flares are not used for smoke, more for the illusion of fire. do you guys have anything up at the county that i could use to simulate a ceilling collapse? like something that could be put on top of a "body" for S&R ops. also next time we are up there can we grab one of those rescue dummies from the garage? would simulate dead weight when trying to get a downed guy out.

  5. I am trying to put together a drill for the smoke house up at the county smoke house. i know you cant burn in there but what should i use as a fire subsitute? we have used road flares in the past but they just don't do it for me. does anyone know of a better substitute? i thought of maybe bundling a few together. what do other departments use?

    also any ideas on how to spice up the cellar? it is always kinda the same old drill and i want to kinda suprize my guys. maybe a "collapse" with a firefighter trapped under something. just asking for ideas.

  6. Tribune staff report

    Published November 16, 2004, 2:41 PM CST

    A company that applies military technology to mobile communications networks is the latest acquisition of Schaumburg-based Motorola Inc.

    Motorola today said it would buy MeshNetworks, a company developing wireless systems based on research by the Pentagon's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. Terms of the deal were not disclosed.

    Motorola, which already owns a stake in the company, started to sell MeshNetwork technology in police and fire radio systems this summer.

    The systems turn radios into wireless networks, extending the range of all transmissions by using each device as a relay station in much the same way that messages travel many short points along the Internet.

    The technology lets wireless "hot spots" cover wider areas, and brings the Web to autos, buses and trains. Other applications of the technology include home networking and industrial controls.

    "If you have bad coverage on your cell phone, this can allow you to connect through someone else's phone who happens to be near you,'' Juergen Stark, vice president of Motorola's commercial government business, told Bloomberg News. "The technology can adjust on the fly.''

    The purchase is expected to be completed by the end of next month. Motorola spokeswoman Jennifer Weyrauch declined to say how much the company already owns of MeshNetworks except that it is a "small'' stake. The typical investment of Motorola's venture group is $2 million to $5 million, she said.

    Launched in 2000, MeshNetworks is based in Maitland, Fla., and employs about 70 people, about 85 percent of whom have technical degrees, according to information on the company's Web site.


  7. well i watched it, without any editing with my father,who is a Vietnam vet, on channel 7. i think it is a great movie and the FCC can go to hell for fining any station for playing that movie on VETERANS DAY! i am not gonna get into there rules and stuff but the movie is about war and not like some cheesy like action picture, it is about real war and the stuff guys go through. i think that the FCC should waive the fines if some station wants to air that movie. it is not like there were breasts and unnessesary curseing. i mean 9 times out of 10 the guy is using foul language cause he was shot. it is a great movie and should never have to be editied for "content"

    ok i am going to get off my soap box before i fall off :D

    God Bless America and God Bless the Men and Women who Make it Safe!!

  8. i was with the walk ons. i had a yankees hat on. i had a tippman 98 with a long barrel and a m16 stock. i was with a group of like 6 guys. we got there at like 11. i was on the Blue team. The owner of the place yelled at one of my team mates for not haveing a face mask on when walking down the hill. he was like a 6' guy.

  9. I was up there on Sat and didn't even know there was a EMTbravo convention. did anyone think that those refs were a little intence? i got yelled at by a 12 yr old kid ref for like "possibly" shooting after getting tagged out. but it was fun. if you guys go again keep us all posted.

  10. Has anyone heard anything about them fixing up the high-rise? i know that there are a few apartment complex's in pelham and i think that if they could smoke (or burn, which would be great [-o< ) the high rise it could help in practiceing those tactics.

    I did get to see the tanker car used last night and it was pretty sweet. I am hoping to use the propane tree sometime soon.

    i would also like to say that the Instructors up there are all great guys and really know there stuff and make it fun. The key to good training is making the guys want to be there and keeping them involved. Last night in FF2, a group of 4 of us, all from Pelham Manor, went into the burn building and did are thing and got out. The instructor told us we did it perfectly and that are tactics were outstanding. thats what i want to hear as a vol., that i am getting it and we worked well as a team. i hope they don't stop renovating all the parts of the training center