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Posts posted by 27east

  1. this house was built to be the first? combined fire/ems station in the city, right? and then for only housed the ems 22? batt? and then, suprise suprise, bloomberg decides now is a good time to add the new company.

    if the squad/rescue is still responding when the P/W/H is transmitted, do they continue or turn back? also, is RES 5 CUE still a HMTU?

  2. He's an EMT for businesses

    Richard Galant

    Money & Power

    April 18, 2005

    TransCare ambulances hired by city hospitals were allowed to begin responding to 911 calls during the Giuliani administration.

    does he mean when the voluntary hospitals were allowed to use contract ambulance services instead on in-house or does he mean the bus is on the road and they go right to a call because they are nearby?