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Posts posted by 27east

  1. That really is nothing if you think about it and his responsiblities. He has to pay for his own food most of the time, his family, clothing, amongst other expenses that are associated with the job. He's the leader of our nation, and some CEO's of some companies in this country make that in a week.

    Also, a lot of these crooks are residents of Westchester.

    Right, but....

    The president also gets a $50,000 expense allowance and $100,000 for traveling expenses. That's more then many people get in a year, and he gets that in addation to his salary. He also gets free housing and medical care. He has personal assistants and there is a cook in the White House.

    I realize Corporate America is the worst thing ever, and all industry should be state-run, but they do pump alot of money into the tax coffers. Those bonuses are taxed.

    And let's not even get into ACORN.....funny how CNN and MSNBC have made no mention of them.

  2. I heard that he was upset by Kennedy going into a seizure. He went to his office after. That sen. is, I think, 92 years old. Bless him for continuing the job at this age.

    Mondale and 2 senators were there, the VP was at the table with the president. :o


    The Honorable Klansman, sorry Senator, Byrd.

  3. You've never taken the keys away from someone who was to drunk to drive? I have, on several occasions. We're in this business to help people, and that includes our own. It's one thing to sit here and preach about what should happen in an ideal world, and a tottally different thing to actually take action and suggest solutions based on facts.

    Yes, I have. Glad you have too. I have also called a cab for myself. That's not what I meant. Dosen't matter what business you're in, if someone you are out with has had too much, you do what you have to do.

    Believe me, I know the world is not perfect. I was simply stating my opinion. And yes it is a totally different thing to take action. But let's remember that sometimes the solutions do not always work.

  4. Wow, what a thread.

    Obviously what this kid did was morally reprehensible and illegal. Clearly Sleepy Hollow needs to better restrict who has access to the building and the keys. I would like to know what possesed him to go and steal the vehicle in the first place. Something else that is morally reprehensible and should be illegal is how far some fire/ems vehicles end up out of their response district. Yes, I know that there are various meetings and training events that may be some distance away, but sporting events, beach trips and so on?

    But while reading this thread, several comments jump out at me. Why anyone would admit that they have driven a car while impared on a public website? Another one was someone saying they had recorded conversations about this kid involved and another person. Brilliant. And what about everyone gushing with care and concern about how he is sick and needs help and it's not his fault? If you can't control yourself when you drink, DON'T!

  5. And for those of you Bush fans, 15 million is a lot less to pay for this than the 105 billion required to handle Bushes mess after the 2005 hurricane season.

    Right, I forgot that Bush and Cheney created the hurricane. If John Kerry would have been the president, he would have rode on down the Mississippi on a swift boat to save the people. With Fat Ted right behind him to look for anyone who may be in the water, since we know how much expierence he has rescuing people who have somehow fallen into the water.

    Remember that FEMA was not, and is not, supposed to be responsbile for evacuating people who are in the path of a hurricane. That is the responsiblity of the state and really the local government. In this case, both the the state and the city were run by incompetent and corrupt idiots. Chocolate City Ray should have had a plan ready to evacuate the city.

    But yes, Bush was 100% correct to declare a state of emergency. While I'm not sure I agree with the money coming from the FEMA budget, the federal government does maintain authority over DC. So yes, it is the right thing to do.

  6. First of all, I don't have an investigator yet. I haven't decided if I want to do NYPD in July or wait and see how I did on the Westchester County exam.

    But while looking through the APD-5 booklet, at section VII, question 21, they ask about license record, and all summonses that I received. I have received three. One was for speeding, and was reduced to Failure to Obey. That was 2005. I got another speeding ticket in 2007, but that was dismissed. There was also an illegal u-turn ticket that was just reduced to an 1101.

    My question is, do I still have to list the one that was dismissed and the other which was reduced to a non-moving violation?

    Thank you.

  7. Just a question - is Greenville part of Greenburgh or something? I've lived in the lower Westchester area for years and never heard of a "Greenville." I see they responded - that's why I ask.

    Greenville is one of the three fire districts in the unincorporated town of Greenburgh, with Hartsdale and Fairview being the others.

  8. Well, a White Plains ladder ended up in Mount Vernon and Eastchester was the second due, so.....

    Mount Vernon's total lack of caring for its infrastructure is almost criminal. You have fire stations literally condemned, obsolete trucks, 30 year old DPW equipment and an archaic Police fleet. What total mismanagement.

    When I went to sign up for the Police Officer exam, I parked in that garage right at City Hall......some of the offical vehicles in there were older then I am (23). Plus the decrpit looking police cars so covered in dirt and dust on the bottom floor was scary.

  9. Do you believe that *your* interpetation of the speech is the only correct one?

    From The American Thinker (a Conservative outlet):

    I'm just not sure why, with this President, everyone is so quick and vile with their repsonses. I must have read the word Hitler dozens of times in this threads. Not everyone can/will agree on everything, but we need to be a little more open minded and willing to research and educate ourselves.

    Anyone who commented on this thread (and you know who you are) without first doing a little research into this quote/clip/idea, is, in my OPINION, part of the problem, not part of the solution.

    We can all agree to disagree on ideas and policy, but lets be educated about it.

    No, I don't believe that my interpetation of this speech is the only correct one. Do you believe that *your* interpetation of the speech is the only correct one?

    All he said was "civilian domestic security force." I don't know what that means. History gives one possible interpetation. My research into that (yes, I said research) didn't turn much up. I don't know if his plans to increase the size of various citizen service corps that you listed above. I hope he does, I think it would be excellent. But only he can clarify what he meant.

    And I've always been part of the problem.... :P;)

  10. What I was saying is that there is a majority of the PUBLIC that votes without doing any sort of research on the canidate besides what they hear from the media. I apologize if I offended you and hope I clarified my stance, as you know I have great respect for you.

    ok that's great but......

    The media didn't make this up. Obama actually said it. I did my research on the canidate and I found the clip of him saying it on youtube.

    But I guess that makes me ignorant.

  11. Talk about "overreacting"!!! How is this different from the Civil Defense corps of the 50's and 60's?

    Are you all worried about domestic security, or going after those terrorists on foreign soil? What is "Homeland Security"??

    I really can't believe how ignorant some of the public can be when they watch these TV news talk shows. People really need to start doing their homework before making some of the comments I've seen here.

    I'm not ignorant, I'm scared. This came from the Messiah's own teachings back in July. I'm not making this up. And until the Messiah clarifies these teachings, there is no way to know what he means.

    Homeland Secuity is to protect the country from terrorists.

    Having done my homework, other countries have had "security forces." Some of those fine nations inclue East Germany, Nazi Germany, and The Soviet Union.


  12. Up untill the early 70s the post office in PORT CHESTER was the post office for PORT CHESTER,RYE TOWN [bEFORE RYE BROOK ] and EAST PORT CHESTER CONN. , so they crossed state lines also. [post office that is!]

    Before the Village of Rye Brook was incorporated, did Rye Town have its own police/fire/DPW?

  13. Aside from villages belong within towns, etc, I believe the way the government is organized is also different. Below is how I understand the governments to be set up.

    - Towns are run by an elected (political) town supervisor and a town board made up of elected (political) representatives. The supervisor is usually a full time position. Town board, I think, is not full time.

    - Villages have an elected (political) mayor and an elected (political) village board. They also have a non-political (by means of appointment) village manager. Managers, however, can change as regularly as the majority of the village board. The manager is a full time position who oversees the village departments and should serve as an intermediary between the departments and the board. The mayor and board members are part time and work with other boards (zoning, planning, etc) to establish legislation. Village managers do not play a direct roll in the legislative process.

    - Hamlets, as was previously stated, belong within a town (as do villages), but do not have an established sell-contained government.

    A town/village like Mt. Kisco can decide if they want to run themselves more like a town or more like a village.

    No matter what, there is a tremendous duplication of some government services when villages or hamlets lie within towns.

    Some towns have a full-time supervisor (Eastchester), while others have town administrators (Mamaroneck). Villages are generally run by village managers. Some cities have full-time mayors (White Plains), while others have city managers (New Rochelle).