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Posts posted by 27east

  1. I do enjoy my garbage pick up, funny thing is, its contracted out to CRP. State highway dept does a fine job keeping traffic lights working. Road repair? have you seen the roads in Westchester county? free flowing sewers? i had to clean the one in front of my house yesterday becuase there was still 2 feet of water flooding the street..... I have a septic, that's my responsibility... but if sewage did back up 1 someone didnt do their job,2 i guess id be screwed because they have most holidays off. I do not want to work on the back of a garbage truck for 30 years.. therefore i will not apply for that job. Listen im not sayin all DPW workers are like this, but take a look around, there is quite a few.

    You cleaned the sewer in front of your house? Climbed into the manhole? But you have septic? Took it upon yourself to maintain the public rights-of-way?

    Suprise, suprise, but not every sewer backup is a result of one of your favorite fat slobs falling asleep on the job.

    NYS DOT is union too, and they get a pension. OH MY GOSH!

    When did you gather all this knowledge? You sound like someone who, mabye, possibly, just once, inquired about a DPW job and you didn't get it.

    Must be real nice in your world. Let me know when there's a job opening.

  2. So the people who made it big ,got rich and wont spend it are to blame here? Mr Moore is a complete pinhead. Tell him to loan out some of his 20 million he has...... sure he'd be more than happy to..........

    As far as pensions go. In my eyes, the only people who should receive TAX PAYER FUNDED pensions are FIRE,EMS , and POLICE. Why should teachers get it? they don't risk their lives on a daily basis, in fact half of them just spew out left wing garble to students.why should DPW workers get it? heck half those fat slobs don't do a damn thing from7-3 i have even caught a few sleeping.(yes i know not all are fat slobs)

    I'm glad you think so highly of "the fat slobs" at DPW. Do you like garbage/recycling pickup? Street and traffic lights that work? Snow removal, road repair, park maintenance? Free flowing sewers and clean water supply? You must be kidding with that. Its ignorant. You want to work on the back of a garbage truck for 30 years and not have anything? What happens when sewage backs up into your home on a holiday weekend?

    Must be real nice in your world.