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Size up

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So you're responding to a reported structure fire...The first due Company gets there and gives the following size up. "4 story brick investigating". As far as what kind of building you might be going into, Has this really helped you prepair mentally? What more would you like to know? How many different types of buildings does 4 story brick encompass?

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"4 story brick investigating". 

Forgive me for saying that this is not a size up. All that simply tells you is building (exterior) construction.

There are two recommended acronyms for sizing up a job.

First is for the first arriving apparatus: BELOW


Extent and location of fire

Life hazard


Water supply

These are the important things to give a general idea of what's in store and get the gears turning to start a plan.

After the IC arrives then he can preform a more detailed size up: COAL WAS WEALTH



Apparatus and staffing

Life Hazard

Water Supply

Auxiliary applainces (sprinklers/standpipes)

Street conditions




Location and extent of fire

Time of day


Edited by TRUCK6018

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You need to know what type of occupancy your dealing with; is it an apartment house with rescues to be made, or a tire warehouse loaded floor to ceiling with tires? Is it an auto parts distributer loaded with "Methylethylbadsh*#"! These things would be nice to know. :D


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A basic size up should consist of the unit number that is arriving, the height of buidling (anything over about 6 stories can be reffered to as multi-story or high rise), type of construction (or closest educated guess based on similar buildings or pre-plans), type of occupancy (OMD, SFD, commercial, mercantile, mixed, etc.), and fire conditions found on arrival. Also any special or strange occurences can be relayed. There is no need to ramble on and on about every detai you see. Make mental notes of all the other details, COAL WAS WEALTH is not meant to be read over the radio. Most incoming companies should have a basic picture from this short size up, and should have a basic idea of what type of buildings are found in their districts and bordering districts. Keep it short and simple but give the pertinent details.

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For the most part, Officers in my Dept. are pretty good with size ups- example-E24's on scene single story educational facility nothing showing from 3 sides....we got a plug...we will be out investigating. On the other hand which burns my a** is when somebody goes on scene and says nothing other than that they have arrived. Does anybodys Dept have a SOP/SOG on this?

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For the most part, Officers in my Dept. are pretty good with size ups-  example-E24's on scene single story educational facility nothing showing from 3 sides....we got a plug...we will be out investigating. On the other hand which burns my a** is when somebody goes on scene and says nothing other than that they have arrived. Does anybodys Dept have a SOP/SOG on this?

Couldn't agree with you more! Especially, when the 1'st to arrive says they have a smoke condition in the bldg. and that's all they report. Well that's just great I say, now can you please friggin tell me what is the odor of whatever is burning? Is it a possible Food on the Stove, an Oil Burner Malfunction, an Incinerator, a Ballast, or more importantly, an odor of wood burning! There's absolutely no reason that a member of the FD with at least 1yr. experience should not be able to differentiate between these different but very common aromas, that ordinary combustibles give off when they burn. Every fire produces a distinct odor, even Brush and Car fires, so if your pretty sure you know what it is that may possibly be burning and causing the smoke condition within the premise or the area that you were dispatched too, than announce it over the air, so all incoming companies have some idea of what they've got and aren't second guessing you or themselves! Don't hesitate to give a quick, but clear and concise Preliminary Report. Resonding to a Call should not be one Big Guessing Game, especially for the Chief in charge. Trust me, it can be really frustrating. :)

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