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Are We Afraid To Stand Up To Make Things Better?

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Being a member of these forums for a while, I've seen several common themes on here. One of them being, members of departments coming on here, speaking about problems in their departments and countywide. Now, their are message boards all over the net, and every department has its problems, but why are so many in this county afraid to get together, speak up, and resolve the problems. If they truly believe that things could be better, then why don't they do something beyond chatting about it on here to make them better? Now, I love this message board because I've learned a lot from it, and have been able to communicate a lot of things, we're able to speak and share with our peers, a lot of good has come from it and will continue to come from it. But there's a point where hearing the same problems over and over year after year and nothing getting done, or something slowly getting done about it is making me concerned about the new generation being able to progress the emergency services to where it needs to be.

So, these are the problems I see come up over and over again that are common to us all, not just one department. Poor staffing levels. Slow EMS response times. Overuse of Mutual Aid. Rampant unnecessary spending. Poor and unorganized communications systems. Lack of unity and standard countywide operating procedures. Poor command structures. Crappy funding. If these are truly significant problems in our communities that so many are speaking out about, then why aren't our departmental officers working, or working faster, to get them resolved? And more importantly, why don't I see more organized groups of responders getting together to show unity and strength to muscle through the "red tape", educate and mobilize the citizens, and get these issues resolved?

Why are so many afraid to step away from the keyboard and into town hall or your chiefs office and stand up and fight? Local, County, Or State politics? Lack of conviction? Fear of persecution? Overwhelmed? Don't know where or how to begin? Don't you want to make your communities and departments better? DOES ANYBODY TRULY CARE ABOUT THEIR COMMUNITY AND THE QUALITY OF THEIR SERVICE?

My feelings are, if we can organize social events, etc....we can organize for better fire and EMS countywide!

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Don't think that the key boards do not work. Do not look for a fast change. A little each day is good or in fire time a little each year. If you think that the bosses out there do not read these forums, think again.

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You can only bang your head against the wall for so long, sooner or later you are bound to get a headache.

I have tried for years on both sides of the fence to make and or get changes made. It is hard very very hard. As a vollie you are a bad guy with no respect for the traditions of the fire department. As a career firefighter you are a sc@#bag anti vollie piece of garbage. Changes do come, they are slower than molasse crawling up hill at 20 below but they do come. If you give up the fight they win.

I think this board is or should be a place to vent (within reason)

100 years of tradition unimpeded by progress

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