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Scanner antennas?

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Anyone know of a good, reliable antenna for a base scanner? Model and brand?

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do u want an antenna for a car, home, do u want it to be a mountable one or just a desk top one, what kind of scanner is it........

Edited by Porsha911gt3

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do u want an antenna for a car, home, do u want it to be a mountable one or just a desk top one, what kind of scanner is it........

It's BC 898T. The antenna would be for the home. Just not getting adequate reception with the telescoping one it came with.


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AUstin or Antennex is good for both mobile and base.

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I've had good luck with the Scantenna by Antennacraft. Its mounted in my attic and can pick up low band as far as 100 miles away. It all depends on what you monitor, if most of your frequencies are in the same range you can get an antenna to receive just those, that typically works better than a wide-frequency range type antenna.

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I bought this one. It works great. It comes with a 16 ft cable that runs from your desktop scanner to the antenna. The actual antenna has a magnet bottom for outside use. I have mine from behind my scanner, It runs behind my desk and out the window on top of my air conditioner. The transmition come out so clea. Take a look at the link below.

**---->If you like this and you plan to buy it, make sure you have somthing metal outside your window. Some houses have aluminum siding that it will NOT stick to. An air conditioner will work great.


Edited by NRFDTL11Buff

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I use that same radioshack scanner antenna for my home and car scanners. In my car i have it under the bedrail so it doesnt stick up, and it still works like a charm.

Edited by cas2383

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I'll get the information on the one i bought, what i did was buy two antennas for my base scanner which greatly increased its reception so now i'm getting city frequencies. again i'll get you the information for the ones i bought but look into getting two antennas for your scanner.

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I'll get the information on the one i bought, what i did was buy two antennas for my base scanner which greatly increased its reception so now i'm getting city frequencies. again i'll get you the information for the ones i bought but look into getting two antennas for your scanner.

What other hardware is required to connect 2 antennas? Why does that increase the reception? Thanks.

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the scanner that i have with two antennas i got from a friend. i actually have one that is a car antenna attatched directly into the scanner, the unit was opened up and attatched. then i put a telescopic antenna in the back. my other scanner that i dont use has a port on the back and on the top so check, you may have a couple ports for an antenna on your scanner. as to why it increases reception i can only imagine its because it can pick up more radio waves then just one.

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What other hardware is required to connect 2 antennas? Why does that increase the reception? Thanks.

Get a t-connector from radio shack or a communications store with the correct tyle of connector to your scanner (usually a BNC). If your doing two anntenna, get one for low band / VHF and a shorter one for UHF and 800. Reception will be ok do to normal signal loss through the cables and connectors but only noticable on the VHF when distant from the towers,

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That Radio Shack antenna has been around for years. I think it is one of the best ones on the market. I have seen them modified in many different ways for home and vehicle use. I just wish they would make that antenna with options for base mounting and other types of vehicle mounting.

The Antenna Specialists MONR33 is another kicka** scanner antenna.

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That Radio Shack antenna has been around for years. I think it is one of the best ones on the market. I have seen them modified in many different ways for home and vehicle use. I just wish they would make that antenna with options for base mounting and other types of vehicle mounting.

The Antenna Specialists MONR33 is another kicka** scanner antenna.

RADIO SHACK DISCONE ANTENNA. i have one and it is sooo good. a few times with good cloud bounce, ive gotten departments in NJ, PA, and up state NY along with always getting the bronx, city wide, Mann. and most alot in CT....they are only like 40 bucks too...also like i say to everyone, try ebay!

Edited by Firefighter57

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I know they have glass mounts for mobile radios which rx & tx decent, how do they compare to glass mount scanner antennas ?

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I have tried several glass mount antennas and the only thing I have to say is that they suck. Window tint and some of the more modern things they use to make windows do not let the RF travel thru the window. These antennas are horrible for lowband and distant VHF signals!

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Are you willinjg/able to mount an antenna to the roof of your house and run wire to the scanner base? If so I highly recommend a good roof mounted antenna. And skip the two antenna with a splitter idea - theoretically it will drag down the quality of your reception.

Get one of these bad boys:


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Are you willinjg/able to mount an antenna to the roof of your house and run wire to the scanner base? If so I highly recommend a good roof mounted antenna. And skip the two antenna with a splitter idea - theoretically it will drag down the quality of your reception.

Get one of these bad boys:


Unfortunately, I cannot get a roof mount - I think i'm going with the 3-pronged antenna from scanner world. Any thoughts?

scanner world

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