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Indian Point "Emergency" E-Mail 10/4....WHOOPS!

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Did anyone hear about the Indian Point Emergency E-Mail sent out on 10/4?

SEMO State Emergency Management Office sent out an e-mail to numerous officials and the press indicating that Indian Point had some sort of Emergency.

It was a mistake during a training exercise.

Mistake??? rolleyes.gif

Had the officials and press not called to verify it was a mistake I can not even

begin to imagine the panic here in Westchester County.

It was on News12 all night last night. I am sure it will be in the Newspapers

today (Thursday)

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State Emergency Management Office Sends Out Inaccurate Notification

This afternoon, the State Emergency Management Office mistakenly sent out an inaccurate notification regarding an emergency at the Indian Point Energy Center.

No emergency occurred.

The message was sent out while work was being done on the State's notification system. Entergy was not responsible for sending out the notification. Should you have any further questions, please contact the State Emergency Management Office at 518.292.2310.

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This sort of thing happens. It wasn't all that long ago that a mistake sent the EVACUATE CONNECTICUT message across local TV Screens. But I also remember MTA Police sending a preprogrammed message out to other Police Departments by mistake stating that a Wildcat Strike had shut down all commuter rail in and out of New York City.

I am less worried about the panic such things cause as the Cry Wolf metality is breeds in the public. If they keep seeing these things as false, will they react with a lack of panic when the real thing happens? Just look at how many people actually evacuate from thier apartment buildings when the fire alarm sounds?

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