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UK Paramedics Get Uninterrupted Breaks

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PARAMEDICS are to be given half-hour breaks during which they cannot be sent on a 999 call even if someone has a heart attack nearby.

The new system, which comes into effect in London on Monday, is the first to grant ambulance crews formal breaks during shifts of up to 12 hours.

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I'm just a touch jealous...

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thats pretty cool....i always hated when i was waiting in line for coffee just after i started my tour and those tones get set off hahaha. On a more serious note, it gives them some time to decompress and relax, i bet they are far more effective after resting.

Edited by 66Alpha1

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Smart idea. Employee morale is something that is often low in many of the private and not for profit ems agencies I've been around or dealt with. If you have the units to be able to do this, many companies and agencies should take note.

I agree alpha...

interrupted coffee in the am.....grrrrr (although often my second, I stop on the way in to wherever I'm going to work)

one bite of your meal....grrrrrr

just sit on the toilet with the newspaper.....damn it

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We are actually doing something like this. We have an hour and half a day for PT. We are in service, but at the bottom of the run cards for EMS, service calls and alarm activations.

We rotate our companies through the gym each day - we have four engine and two medic companies in service - and they spend that time working it. Its a great program, but rather controvertial as you might imagine.

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I can't imagine why it would be except by those who's minds could fit through a cheerio.

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I can't imagine why it would be except by those who's minds could fit through a cheerio.

We have one town resident who comes up to us in the gym - mind you we go to a gym like golds - and yells at us for wasting her tax dollars. You can't make this stuff up...

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I can't imagine why it would be except by those who's minds could fit through a cheerio.

Hmmmm Cheerios..... Hmmmmmmm Yummmy WHOOHOO!!

I think this break thing is a good idea because it is nice to be able to take a break especially in a busy call area to just take a moment to relax and not rush a meal.

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