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AOL Account Suspended

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About a half hour ago I sent out an email to 68 of my friends from my address book. Once it was sent I was immediately booted off of AOL and a message came up saying my account was suspended for a TOS violation.....they said I was spamming!!!!!! How the hell is sending an email to 68 friends spamming??? I had to go online thru internet Explorer and get Live Help. They lady was able to reset my account and give me a temporary password to log into my account. She was unable to tell me why I could not email all of my friends. She said that it was a TOS violation and anymore violations in the future could result in permanent suspension of my account!!!! WTF?!

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AOL has always been like that, I've got TOSed even when I was a guide way back when. They had a rash of internal spamming through their system years ago and they got strict on it. If I remember right, the way to get by it used to be every person you sent something to, like jokes, party invites ect. was to have them do like a verification of you e-mail (the receiver) so that it was not considered spam.

For a while you have to break up your e-mail list. Aslo too, if all these people were in your AOL address book, then you were able to get by it. That was then I don't know how its handled now.

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They did you a favor, just use AIM, its the only service they have that is good, and even that is getting worse.

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68 friends? heck and I thought the three I have was a lot....LMAO!!!!

seriously AOL is garbage, there are so many better services to use, upgrade yourself. Then you can call them back and tell them you wish to permanently be suspened from there services.

Edited by nutty1

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68 friends? heck and I thought the three I have was a lot....LMAO!!!!

seriously AOL is garbage, there are so many better services to use, upgrade yourself. Then you can call them back and tell them you wish to permanently be suspened from there services.

Amen to that!!!!!!! You'd be doing yourself a BIG favor to dump AOhelL and go with a good ISP!!!!!!

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I had AOL for one year, a free trial with my new computer (several years ago). I had nothing but bad experiences all throughout, and the smartest thing I did was dump them like a bad habit.

I agree with everyone else, Get a better ISP. You can get better ones for cheaper prices too!

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68 friends? heck and I thought the three I have was a lot....LMAO!!!!

seriously AOL is garbage, there are so many better services to use, upgrade yourself. Then you can call them back and tell them you wish to permanently be suspened from there services.

Seriously. I use Gmail and it is the best email program I have ever used. I have about 100 invites left, so if anyone wants one, pm me your email and I'll gladly give you one.

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Seriously. I use Gmail and it is the best email program I have ever used. I have about 100 invites left, so if anyone wants one, pm me your email and I'll gladly give you one.

Gmail is awsome I agree

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And we all "wonder Why" AOL is doing the Leave us and keep your E-mail thing now, Hmmmmmmm


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AOL markets like their products are all the rave, but if you want my opinion....GMAIL GMAIL GMAIL

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AOL markets like their products are all the rave, but if you want my opinion....GMAIL GMAIL GMAIL

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