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EMTBravo T-Shirts Coming Soon!

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As I said above, all the details that have been requested above will be made available later today. x901 is on his way to RescueStuff pick up the shirts now.

I am VERY limited right now as many of you know, and have a couple of people helping me. I have to do what is easiest at this time for me and the people helping me. The logistics iare still being determined.

Also, this batch is coming out of my pocket to start, and RescueStuff has been very helpful with this. If this batch sells well, then I will have the capital to buy a larger quantity, which hopefully will hopefully happen next week.

Spy shots and sale information later today, stay tuned.

SPECIAL THANKS TO RescueStuff Greg & Seth P. , my fiance Kristen, and x901 for making this happen- without them we wouldn't be seeing EMTBravo T-shirts!

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The shirts were delivered a short time ago to the EMTBravo Operations Center. Seth, Kristen, and myself have reviewed the contents and are preparing to distribute them to the membership.

Due to a last minute logistical snag, there is going to be a little bit of a delay.......

I will be conferencing with EMTBravo HQ, and either myself or EMTBravo will make a post tonight or, first thing in the morning containing the photos and ordering info.

Please watch this thread for more information.


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Here's the sneak preview. Sorry for the crappy photos. The shirts look awesome in person.

Each edition of the shirts will carry a message that EMTBravo wants to promote.

All shirts are Hanes Beefy T 100% Cotton

First edition of the shirts. "Unity" (Color: Navy Blue)

Front Left Chest




Special Edition "Keyboard Commando" (Color: Grey)





Each shirt carrys a small RescueStuff logo on the sleeve.

Thanks to Kristen, x901, and Rescuestuff. They put this together for me, and I thank them for their help because it wouldn't have been possible without them.

They should be on sale shortly.





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