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What's Going On In Manhattan 3-27?

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Sounds like they have a big job going

They just called for releif CO's

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Sounds like they have a big job going

They just called for releif CO's

there was a building collapse at around 12 noon and the mobile comand asks for a reilef assignment of a engine and 2 trucks one a soc support truck every few hours

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Could be the building collapse up in Harlem.

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Correct, still calling in relief companies as needed. The entire building is being taken down and the Engine Cos are keeping the dust down with a line or two in operation.

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thats exactlly it. when i left the bx co, @2300 they still had 3 engines and 4 ladders on location, and mobile command 2 , and other units. i believe at 2000 or so they started tearing the building dwn( about that time ). they have been rotating relief crews in all day. manhattan was very busy today and the dispatchers down there did a great job . aside from the collapse and the 3rd alarm they had a all hands at a constrution site all within a few hours .

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WOW Damn i missed all that

Did hear the latest 10-75 with 10-77 all hands

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