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Bedford FD Facilities-Current Status?

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I know a couple of years back, Bedford Village FD was considering several options for expanding their headquarters or building a substation.

As most know, their current heaquarters is extremly cramped. They have 2 bays that are 3 apparatus deep, and every call requires shuffling of the apparatus. There is little room to work, much less walk, in the bays. The apparatus has to be modified to fit, and Bedford FD can't get a tanker which they need and should have because the floor won't support it, from what I understand.

I heard several ideas, expanding their HQ's out the back into the parking lot with more bays, sort of like Pound Ridge, building a HQ's at Route 172 & Route 22 and making the current HQ's a substation with an engine and the ambulance, or building a small substation at Route 1722 and Route 22 with a tanker and the rescue and some other storage and training space.

So, what is the current status? My info is a few years old now....



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This predicament reminds me of the many firehouses across New England that are like this.


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Thanks for the answer.

I'm just curious, in your reply you sound as if you're content the way things are. Is a modern firehouse, especially one that allows you not to have to waste time and manpower shuffling apparatus and to have a tanker, a priority for the department?

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