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New Ro PD Dive Training

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Chris192 this is probably up your alley but some of you may have heard otherwise. I heard early this week that New Ro PD Dive Team was going to practice water insertion from a Helicopter today in the Kensico Reservoir. Of course I haven't been working and haven't gotten a call from my job. Just wanted to see if anyone heard. I have tried to contact a couple of buddies from New Ro but no response.

I know that we have been interested in doing some sort of training like this. Hopefully we will be able to.

BTW, I know that New Ro PD has a Dive Team but do they train?

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I could never understand why FDNR or NRPD never had Dive Teams, especially considering the numerous bodies of water surrounding the City. Then again FDNR use to have swimming as part of their agility test which made complete sense. What ever happen to that? Why did they do away with that? Does anyone know?

Edited by LongShanks

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Chris192 this is probably up your alley but some of you may have heard otherwise. I heard early this week that New Ro PD Dive Team was going to practice water insertion from a Helicopter today in the Kensico Reservoir. Of course I haven't been working and haven't gotten a call from my job. Just wanted to see if anyone heard. I have tried to contact a couple of buddies from New Ro but no response.

I know that we have been interested in doing some sort of training like this. Hopefully we will be able to.

BTW, I know that New Ro PD has a Dive Team but do they train?

From what I've heard the NRPD dive team does train regularly. You'd have to ask one of them exactly how much though.

They've arranged training with our aviation unit and have completed some basic stuff but I don't believe they've actually done and water insertions yet.

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I heard they were supposed to do it yesterday. Pretty sure would have been with you guys. Don't think that NYPD would have come up. Think it could have been through DEP though.

I know they train but to do water insertions from a HELICOPTER? That is the sh*t I want to do.

Let me know that basics if you could. I will run it by the higher ups. Thanks.

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"Then again FDNR use to have swimming as part of their agility test which made complete sense. What ever happen to that? Why did they do away with that? Does anyone know?

Chances are that they were probably under some consent decree with the FEDS and had to adjust the standards so they were FAIR to ethnicities taking the test.

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