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Orange County, NY-Volunteer FF Arrested for Arson

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Not sure what forum this belongs too, but another young volunteer firefighter has been arrested and charged with numerous counts of Arson. Is it time for local FD's to start watching their members a little closer??? How many FD's do background investigations, and how many have to pass psych profile exams? Of course this is not a catch all but maybe something that has to be examined. Story taken from, Straus Newspapers Website:


Straus Newspaper


Volunteer firefighter arrested for arson

Goshen — An 18-year-old volunteer firefighter was arrested on Wednesday for arson, charged with setting up to four fires in the Village of Goshen.

The Village of Goshen Police Department arrested Michael A. Kohn of 68 St. John St. in Goshen after an investigation into four suspicious fires in the downtown area.

Kohn was charged with two counts of second-degree arson and two counts of third-degree arson, both felonies. He was arraigned before Goshen Village Justice Thomas Cione and committed to the Orange County Jail in lieu of $50,000 bail pending a hearing July 2.

According the police, a barn at 58 St. John St. was set on fire on April 29. On May 14, an occupied home at 113 Webster Avenue was set on fire, and was a total loss. There were no injuries.

Fire struck again on June 23, when an occupied home at 209 West Main St. was set on fire, according to the police. There were no injuries. Then on June 25, an unoccupied Ford Explorer was set on fire while it was parked in a lot at St. James Place.

Kohn is a volunteer firefighter with the Cataract Engine & Hose Company of the Goshen Fire Department. He reported the April 29 barn fire and the June 25 car fire. He was also a responding firefighter for the other two fires.

Police said they made the arrest after Detective David J. Conklin linked physical evidence found at the scene of the June 23 fire directly to Kohn. A subsequent investigation led to him being charged with the other three fires.

The village police department was helped in the investigation by the Goshen Fire Department and Orange County fire investigators.

Thanks EMTB

Edited by Oswegowind

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Not the first time this has occured nor do I think it will be the last

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Background checks won't help much if there's a first time offender. And I wonder if all of these people who do this really have psychiatric problems or if they are just idiots with no respect for the fire service and our reputation.

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