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Chrysler Fleet Website - Police Vehicle Line up Link

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Thanks for sharing that one.... That's the first time since.... 1989? that Chrysler has had a lineup? (I know the Jeep Cherokee was a package in the interim... but I can't remember if the Intrepid ever qualified on its own for a package.)

Thanks for sharing! And here's to Dodge being back.


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Thanks for sharing that one.... That's the first time since.... 1989? that Chrysler has had a lineup? (I know the Jeep Cherokee was a package in the interim... but I can't remember if the Intrepid ever qualified on its own for a package.)

Thanks for sharing! And here's to Dodge being back.


Yes, the Intrepid had a police package at that point, but I think that Dallas was the only major city that had them as police vehicles in any significant numbers.

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