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Medium Duty Chasis Ambulances

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I have recently teched and driven a chevy 4500 ambulance, which is similar to a Freightliner and International chasis. I really don't like the ride or the drive, it feels like we were driving down the side of a mountain. I hate it.

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I've ridden in a few large ambulances that the ride is great. The ones I did ride in had all special suspension systems, and upgraded chasis.

However, those buses seem to be more the exception.And in many areas of the country, they swear by these types of ambulances, and they work great.

The ride in many of the larger ambulances on medium duty chasis ambulances is absolutely horrible....embarrasing even. I don't know how anybody can justify tranporting a hip or skeletal injury pateint in one of these things, it can be brutal. The ride even scares some people.

Drive-wise, and other functionality, these ambulances are great. They have more power, better turning radiuses, more storage space, more work space, bigger altenator for electrical equipment, etc......

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Apparently Freightliner ambulances are like driving fire trucks, and the only difference between Freightliner and Fords, are the price.

Freightliners cost twice as much!

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Okay, I'll bite. Who has a 4500 around here besides Harrison? Or did you actually tech a call with HVAC?

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I have. It ain't too fun in the back of those beasts. I call the Sherman 1 and Sherman 2 (Sherman Tank)

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