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Fire Cadets

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Can anybody help me in finding/inform me about what needs to be done to start a cadet program in my dept.

ANY info would be much appretiation.

Thank you,


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Look into the explorer program. Check with the Boy Scouts of America. There's been a huge growth in explorer posts in the Westchester/Putnam area over tha past decade.

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Look into the explorer program. Check with the Boy Scouts of America. There's been a huge growth in explorer posts in the Westchester/Putnam area over tha past decade.

I dont live there. I live in Western MA. I an in an explorer program in the town next to me, however we only meet the 1st and 3rd week of every month. I currently attend drills to stand back and watch in my dept. But I am looking for cadets. Something where i can get hands on.

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Most explorer programs, or at least they were to a point when I was in, were hands on. Sounds like you should talk to your post advisor, who should talk to your chief to see if you guys can get more hands on.

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no, see, my explorers are hands on

BUT,MY dept doesnt have ANYTHING for younger ages. The dept next t me is where I go for the explorer post. The explorers have NOTHING to do with my dept(the one i said i go to drills and watch).

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How young are you talking about?? PM me and explain this situation. Because either I am getting old and not understanding, or you're too young and not making a coherent point.

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I recently taught a cadet program for the Connecticut Fire Academy. About 20 different departments were represented. While I cannot remember exactly where they were from, my boss at the CFA probably can enlighten you on departments that have thier acts together on a cadet program. His name is Mark Salafia and he can be reached at 860-627-6363. Just ask for him from the operator.

Joe C.

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how much younger are you talking about? Explorers run from ages 14-21, are you looking for a program for under 14?

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OK... every1 body listen. My dept requires you to be 18 to join up. I am looking for a cadet program for my town. THATS IT. for any younger, like 15? 16?. THATS IT

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You still havn't fully explained what "cadets" will do! Until you do, JBE said it best, your best option is to contact the BSA and get info on starting an Explorer post in your own dept. However, if your meeting up w/ such resistance now, I don't know how receptive they would be to establishing and running a Explorer post w/ the level of involvement your looking for. Keep in mind the insurance and liability issues in working w/ minors; many activities will simply not be allowed, by the dept, the explorers or the insurance co. Many depts or vacs or other organizations don't have a jr corps, cadet corps, posts or youth corps....

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my dept has an active explorer program, ages 14-21, most leave and join the dept at 18. They attend musters, NYS Fire Academy Explorer Weekend, local county explorer days, host their own explorer weekend, and many many other things

they also train w/ the dept and on their own, have their own bylaws and meetings if that's what you're looking at- they going w/ the boy scouts is the way to go

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It seems like you mean that the fire department which covers where you live doesn't have a cadet program, and you want one started. Well, it seems improbable that you would be able to start one from the outside, the push for a junior/cadet program typically comes as a tool the department creates for recruitment. If you know people in the department, and they are willing to listen, tell them you would like to see the department create a cadet program. Maybe they'll bring it up and eventually there will be one created. The junior program in my department is 14-17, and at 18 you can become a full member. We are allowed to participate in all drills to the extent the state allows us, are allowed to respond to calls but not directly to the scene in our own POV, and we are allowed to attend monthly meetings, but are non-voting members.

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