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Greenburgh PD/Westchester County PD/Search helicopter on 9A

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Driving home from work tonight I saw quite a few Greenburgh PD and Westchester County PD cars gathered on Saw Mill River Road. I also saw a search helichopter above. Anyone know what's going on?

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To answer my own question:

(08/31/07) ARDSLEY - A suspected kidnapping scheme that started in New York City and ended in Ardsley was foiled by a quick-thinking pizzeria owner Thursday night.

According to police, a 23-year-old man was forced at gunpoint into a car in the Washington Heights section of Manhattan by men he knew. Police say the victim apparently owed the men money. Investigators say the suspects threatened the victim as they were driving.

Gerry Romano, the owner of Mina's Pizzeria, says something wasn’t right about the four men as they came into his store. Romano says one of the men acted nervous, stared at him from across the counter and desperately asked if he could use the phone. Romano says one of the suspects tried to brush off the pleas of the victim.

When the four men tried to leave, Romano followed them outside and told them to stay put until police arrived. The three alleged kidnappers then fled on foot. Ardsley police combed the streets with K-9 units. They say Jared Barton, of Pleasantville, surrendered.

Police in neighboring Greenburgh picked up another suspect, Christopher Collard, of Armonk. Police say they also recovered a gun. Police are searching for the third individual.

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