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Mt Kisco Cop Indicted for Manslaughter 2!

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WHITE PLAINS - Mount Kisco Police Officer George Bubaris pleaded not guilty today to second-degree manslaughter and other charges in the death of homeless immigrant Rene Perez.

Bubaris turned himself in to authorities at the Westchester County Courthouse early this morning after learning yesterday that a grand jury had indicted him.

He later appeared in handcuffs before state Supreme Court Justice Lester Adler, who unsealed the indictment. The judge set bail at $100,000, but allowed Bubaris until tomorrow morning to post it so he can avoid spending time in jail.

The indictment capped a tumultuous four-month investigation by Bedford police and the Westchester District Attorney's Office that focused on the actions of Bubaris and two of his colleagues the night of April 28.

Perez, 42, was found mortally injured on a desolate road in Bedford, less than one hour after the three officers responded to his drunken 911 call at a coin-operated laundry in the village. The other officers, Edward Dwyer and Lt. Edward Dunnigan, left to assist an injured woman, but police records show 44 minutes went by before Bubaris had another call. By that time, Perez was found unconscious four miles away on Byram Lake Road near the Bedford-North Castle border.

Westchester District Attorney Janet DiFiore said today that there would be no more criminal charges in the case, but it was unclear whether prosecutors had sought charges against the two other officers. Village officials said Dwyer and Dunnigan both remain on modified duty as an internal investigation continues. Bubaris had also been on modified duty but was suspended without pay as a result of the indictment.

The grand jury began hearing the case two weeks ago and voted for the indictment Tuesday.

Assistant District Attorney Michael Hughes said the high bail was warranted because "all these crimes were committed while (Bubaris) was a police officer on duty."

Hughes called it "a violation of the officer's oath and serious breach of public trust."

But Edward Hayes, Bubaris' attorney, called the bail "ridiculous" and continued to suggest that Perez's own lifestyle as a hard-drinking vagrant led to his death rather than any action by his client.

"I think there are strong political overtones in the case," Hayes said. "There's always two standards for cops. Cops are much more likely to end up getting indicted than other people."

Perez was found by passing motorists and taken to Westchester Medical Center, where he died early the following morning.

An autopsy determined that he was the victim of a homicide as a result of severe internal bleeding. He suffered a torn mesentery, a membrane that connects the intestines to the abdominal wall, according to the county medical examiner. Police said at the time that they suspected Perez was struck within two hours of being found.

Perez, a Guatemalan immigrant, was a known alcoholic who had hundreds of run-ins with Mount Kisco and Bedford police. He had been arrested dozens of times in the village alone. He lived the solitary life of a vagrant, sleeping in an encampment behind a Mount Kisco supermarket.

Earlier on the night he was found mortally injured, Bedford police had escorted Perez from Kohl's department store on Route 117, where he was causing a disturbance. The officers took him into Mount Kisco and left him.

Within a few days of Perez's death, Bedford police impounded the Mount Kisco patrol cars driven by Bubaris and Dwyer.

They also secured tapes from surveillance cameras along Byram Lake Road, including those from the High Winds estate of billionaire financier Nelson Peltz.

Later reports by WCBS-TV news said Bubaris' car was spotted on the Peltz videotape.

Still unresolved is a federal civil rights lawsuit filed by Anival Perez, the dead man's brother. Bubaris was the only individual defendant named in that lawsuit.

Jonathan Lovett, Anival Perez's attorney in that case, said Bubaris' indictment confirmed what he and his client had claimed all along.

"Based on the information we had, we thought it was Bubaris," Lovett said.

It was unknown if prosecutors had sought more serious homicide charges against Bubaris.

Legal experts suggested that, unless authorities had strong evidence of Bubaris striking Perez, criminally negligent homicide or second-degree manslaughter were the only realistic charges.

Bubaris was a New York City police officer before joining the Mount Kisco department just over a year ago.

This sucks! Hopefully everything works out for him, as long as he's innocent of course! News 12 reported on it and actually made a side note, in sum and substance: "The officer is assumed innocent until proven guilty in court". Very shocked they did that, but its a nice change for them! Now if the westchester RAG would do that we'd be a whole lot better!

Edited by OnTheWheel

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I really hope that he found NOT GUILTY. There is something more to this than the media is letting us know. Why did it take 4 months to indict him? The other funny this is that Jonathan Lovett is usually the lawyer that defends COPS when they are having a problem with there job. Hope he has a good lawyer. Funny a NON CITIZEN is probably going to hit the lottery with a FEDERAL LAWSUIT. This is some COUNTRY WE LIVE IN.

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I hope he beats the rap what happened did not warrant this officer to be charged with Manslaughter. There are alot of unaswered questions as to how Rene Perez died and I personally dont think that Officer Bubaris had anything to do with this guys death.

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I use to work security for a certain person (mentioned on CBS CH2 & News12) who has numerous cameras on

his estate, several which face Byram Lake Road.

I also hope the Police Officer is INNOCENT!

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I think the DA's office had to file this charge, sort of to save face. They couldn't just say there was not enough evidence and not let it play out in court, because of all the attention it has gained. People would have cried corruption amongst the ranks once again. By filing the charge, they will let the evidence do the talking and if there is a doubt...he will be acquitted. I think that at least two of the lesser charges will get him, unfortunately. I like how his supervisor has skated right through...shouldn't the supervisor be at least responsible somewhat for the officer's actions...why have supervisors if they just let what-ever go on and are not held responsible as well. Just sounds like a load to me...but in this job everything trickles down and most supervisors consider themselves untouchable!

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but in this job everything trickles down and most supervisors consider themselves untouchable!

Yup, same thing in my job and it's not even in Law Enforcement. Just how it is in the real world.

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You know what bothers me about this? This dudes brother appears in the news, is well dressed, well spoken, has a home, etc... Yet his brother is homeless. The guy has nothing to do with his his brother, until he is dead, now his hand is outstretched. DISGUSTING! They are digging up all these unsolved "hispanic" murders and making it look like the Officer may have been involved. What a joke.

Who knows how the victim received the abd injury. No witness has come forward. Even with the tapes showing a police car in the area, does that prove anything other then he may have been in the area? I think the Officer is getting the short end of the stick!

Totally unfair. Any word on a 10-13 party for the Officer? He is suspended without pay. Anyone in touch with the MKPD PBA?

Good luck and god bless to MKPD.

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I don't think that he could have been involved in the previous cases...if I am not mistaken he only worked at MKPD for one year or so...

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You know what bothers me about this? This dudes brother appears in the news, is well dressed, well spoken, has a home, etc... Yet his brother is homeless. The guy has nothing to do with his his brother, until he is dead, now his hand is outstretched. DISGUSTING! They are digging up all these unsolved "hispanic" murders and making it look like the Officer may have been involved. What a joke.

Who knows how the victim received the abd injury. No witness has come forward. Even with the tapes showing a police car in the area, does that prove anything other then he may have been in the area? I think the Officer is getting the short end of the stick!

Totally unfair. Any word on a 10-13 party for the Officer? He is suspended without pay. Anyone in touch with the MKPD PBA?

Good luck and god bless to MKPD.

Here is the problem for having a 10-13 party before a trial. We don't know the full story. I believe in my HEART that he didn't do anything and it was just a bad luck scenarion. But if for some reason evidence comes out that we didn't know about and he is found guilty we just paid for his TRIAL. I have never missed a 10-13 party in WESTCHESTER OR STAMFORD since I became an LEO. I think that after the trial is done you have the party to help pay for the legal fees then. At least we would know the outcome. Just my OPINION. AGAIN I don't think he did it and I would like to see some HEAT ON BEDFORD PD. CHIEF IS A WEASEL that pawned it off on MKPD.

I was talking to a neighboring job the other night and we all said the same thing. We drive a person that is maybe a nuisance to the neighboring town and then let them out. I guess we have to be more careful now.

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Here is the problem for having a 10-13 party before a trial. We don't know the full story. I believe in my HEART that he didn't do anything and it was just a bad luck scenarion. But if for some reason evidence comes out that we didn't know about and he is found guilty we just paid for his TRIAL. I have never missed a 10-13 party in WESTCHESTER OR STAMFORD since I became an LEO. I think that after the trial is done you have the party to help pay for the legal fees then. At least we would know the outcome. Just my OPINION. AGAIN I don't think he did it and I would like to see some HEAT ON BEDFORD PD. CHIEF IS A WEASEL that pawned it off on MKPD.

I was talking to a neighboring job the other night and we all said the same thing. We drive a person that is maybe a nuisance to the neighboring town and then let them out. I guess we have to be more careful now.

I agree, let everything come out and see what happens. I still want to know why the Bedford cops who intially dropped off the vic on the Mt. Kisco border weren't charged or reprimanded (at least not that the paper has stated). And the guys brother made a comment in one story that he walked past him but realized it was him after they passed, I'd know it's my brother from a block away! This case gets better and betteer by the day, live the American Dream, sue the government or win the lottery. Welcome to America, let us know when you're ready for something for nothing and we'll do our best to accomodate (at this rant applies to greedy citizen's as well as non)

Edited by OnTheWheel

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Agreed, I think everyone has to look out now. Thank you for clearing up the whole 10-13 thing...I never looked @ it from that perspective.

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I was talking to a neighboring job the other night and we all said the same thing. We drive a person that is maybe a nuisance to the neighboring town and then let them out. I guess we have to be more careful now.

Its all around. We use to play subway ping pong with our drunks. Put them on the Manhattan bound with an ACR in their pocket and see what they come back with.

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