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Firehouse Expo Photo Contest by

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Firehouse Expo Photo Contest 

Dear Fire/Rescue/EMS Professional,

July may seem like a long way off, but we are already hard at work to make sure that next year's Firehouse Expo will be better than ever. Right now, we are working on developing the show's look and we want your help. We are looking for photos that we can use during our campaign. Your photo may be used in one of the conference programs or marketing pieces - it may even become a cover or this year's poster!

We're looking for action shots of you and your Fire/Rescue/EMS peers out in the field doing your thing or a dramatic photo of a scene that you had to respond to. We want to show everyone what you see out in the field. We are looking for action and dramatic shots, but please no gore.

We will notify you if we decide to use any of your photos and you will receive photo credit for any photo used. If we choose to use your photo for the cover/poster, you will get a 5-Day Hands-On & Conference Package to Firehouse Expo FREE!

Please send photos to: or mail them to 801 East Cliff Road, Ste 201, Burnsville, MN 55337. Submission requirements are listed below. The deadline for submission is Monday, November 1, 2004.

If you have any questions, please contact Jeff at 800-827-8009 or Thank you. We look forward to seeing your photos!

Submission requirements: 

You must own the rights to the image. 

All photos must be high resolution digital (300 dpi with 8.5 x 6.5 minimum output size). Digital image files should be TIFFs or highest-quality JPGs. 

Cygnus Business Media reserves the right to publish or use any photos with appropriate credit to the photographer. 

The photographer retains full copyright to hisher images. 

A panel of Cygnus Business Media personnel will judge the winners. Their decision is final. 

Photos will be eliminated from competition if they have date stamps on the photo, show unsafe practices, are of low technical quality (for example, have soft focus or show camera movement), or if there are privacy issues. 

Note: You must include with your submission a statement granting rights to use your photo(s) to Firehouse Expo. Include your full name, agency or institutional affiliation (if any), address, email and telephone number and exactly how you want the photo credit published. Please indicate if, where and when the photo may have been published previously. 

E-mail submission is preferred. Submission materials will not be returned. 

Deadline: Photos must be received by Monday, November 1, 2004


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Deadline Nov 1st 2004 EMTBravo members send photos IN !!

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