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Blue lights and the law

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I know this is a much discussed topic on these forums and I recently looked at the laws again. Unfortunately, the legislature doesn't see the need for using combo blue/red lights facing the front for police cars. I noticed MANY departments in New York adhering to these strict rules, with the EXCEPTION of Yonkers- anyone have any idea why for so long the Yonkers Police got away with front facing blue lights and now even some of the Yonkers Fire rigs have front facing blue lights?

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I know this is a much discussed topic on these forums and I recently looked at the laws again. Unfortunately, the legislature doesn't see the need for using combo blue/red lights facing the front for police cars. I noticed MANY departments in New York adhering to these strict rules, with the EXCEPTION of Yonkers- anyone have any idea why for so long the Yonkers Police got away with front facing blue lights and now even some of the Yonkers Fire rigs have front facing blue lights?

County police also have blues facing foward. When the law was volunteers only, county had them in back. When the law was changed, they added in front. Don't get me wrong, I think the blue lights on emergency vehicles is one of the best additions to these vehicles because you can see them before the red.

But in answer to your question, who is going to tell them they can't.

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Does anyone have any information on corner strobes for private vehicles?

Edited by lad41der

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Does anyone have any information on corner strobes for private vehicles?

i believe as long as they're amber, they're ok.

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Does anyone have any information on corner strobes for private vehicles?

I'm sure this depends entirely on the purpose. If you are a volunteer anything, corner strobes aren't legal according to what's written (too bright, and more than one is too many, but we all know how that really goes!).

Otherwise, obviously a private vehicle isn't typically used for any sort of response anyway, aside from volunteer. So, if you have corner strobes fine, but I'm sure using them in traffic could be trouble!

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This gets beaten into the ground everytime it comes up. The bottom line was stated above, whos going to tell them they cant? And before you open up that rather large can of vicious worms, be careful what you wish for, if we have to enforce blue lights on Police cars then we have to enforce them on Fire Trucks and volunteers vehicles to make sure they have ONE ;-) Kind of one of those subjects thats better left un-discussed and leave well enough alone.

As for strobes, you have to watch for their "dazzling" effects!

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