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Pelham's New Engine

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Anyone know when Pelham is getting it's new engine? any info on what they got and what fixin's they got on it?

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The specs on the new ladder truck were approved around sept. 21. It was going out to bid during october. Its supposed to be a 100ft rear mount with a low-profile cab (otherwise it wont fit through the door). I believe it will also have 2 rear axles to help distribute the weight. Look for Seagrave to come back with a bid along with one or two others.

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From what I heard, bids were entertained from Seagrave, ALF and E-One. ALF was too large for the firehouse (height) and Seagrave was likely to be awarded the contract. 100' Rear Mount Lo-Pro Aerial Ladder. I assume it would be like Rye L25 and others in Mount Vernon and Eastchester. Prior to making a final vote for the $600,000 an additional bid is being requested from Sutphen for a mid-mount aerial ladder. This may also prove to be too large (length). Anybody from Pelham keep us posted...

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As far as I understood, the specs were for a seagrave. Also, the height was a MUST and I was told that the only way to fit a new truck into the house was if it had the Low Profile cab (as mentioned earlier).

As for length being an issue with a Sutphen mid mount, in my opinion, that could be worked around. Currently, E4 sits in front of L2 in one bay, and R45 sits in front of E5 in the second bay. That configuration was to allow room for the ambulance to fit into the firehouse when it was stationed there 24/7 (that didnt last too long). To deal with a new Ladder truck that is longer than our current one, we could reconfigure the placement of the apparatus. E4 could be placed in front of E5 in one bay, and R45 could be placed in front of the new L2 in the other bay.

So, if you were to ask me, I would tell you to expect a new Seagrave ladder truck sometime soon (hopefully). But as for now, nothing is finalized and i have no say in any of the final decisions. If i find out more, i will let you all know.

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Bid for the new ladder was approved Tuesday night (12/7). Once i get the complete info, ill let you all know.

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