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World Series Baseball

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I started thinking about this when I was reading the Wembley idea for a Super Bowl, and kinda touched on it.

Now, I'm more of a baseball fan than anything, and I think a seed may have been planted with the World Baseball Classic. But it needs a little tweaking. The rulebooks would stay the same, so everyone is on the same page. Instead of a group of teams handpicked or chock full of current MLB players, Major League Baseball brings the Japanese League, a South American/Caribbean League, and an European/Western Asia League under one umbrella.

Interleague play between these leagues is feasible, however, any international games would be strictly exhibition. The seasons would be 162 games, playoffs would all go to best 3 of 5, or of 3 as they have in the NY/Penn League, that's the Renegades for you upstate folks, Cyclones and Baby Yankees for us city dwellers.

The World Series would go on as planned, best 4 of 7. Whichever team had the best season record gets home field advantage. Games would be played at a time of day which is acceptable to everyone, and to bring in the necessary revenue from advertising, etc. Then a true world Champion could be crowned.

You may only have to add a month to the schedule.

Seibu Lions vs. Seattle??

London vs. Colorado??

Berlin vs. The Mets??

Consider, and discuss.

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Baseball in November? Keep in mind some of theses states and countries have some major snow fall in November, maybe the championship game ina neutral site like the super bowl does. Or shorten preseason by a few weeks.

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So have the World Series in Hawaii or someplace nice and warm... haha.

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Its an interesting idea, make the "World Series" actually include the WORLD. Change our World Series to another name like National Championships or something, than have the top teams from all over the world compete in a true "World Series" strictly for standing only, no monetary award or anything, just status. That would be interesting....

Great Idea. Lets get some more input on this Im curious to see what everyone would think.

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