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Millwood Working Fire 11/5/04

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Unfortunately I wasn't at the call..... after getting married last month I've been staying at my wife's in the city until our lease is up Dec 1. Just got off the phone with a few of the guys and it would appear that the homeowner was having difficutly with the electrical panal in the garage in recent days. The power went out shortly before dispatch. Homeowner went down to garage shortly after and when he opened the door, the fire rolled in over his head.... Closed the door and made the call. 2252 arrives (without chiefs car or mobile radios as his car is being serviced) and fire is rolling out of the garage up above the roof and making its way into the diningroom that butts up against the garage reports 10-75. Batt 16 arrives and provides mobile radio support shortly after 2252's arrivial. No access to driveway due to electrical service line down in driveway.

Ex Chiefs Quast & Santone along with Lt. Puszka (2255) make entry through front door and push fire out of dining room as it neared flashover. 2252 reports a great stop & and great mutual aid coordination.

On a dissapointing note, a 2nd floor balcony seperated from the building and injured 3 ff's. They are all reportedly home from the hospital at this time.

Edward Smith

Captain (2254)

Millwood Fire Company

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Great stop! I arrived after the bulk of the fire was knocked down, and from what I could see, the aggressive interior attack mounted by Millwood, Chappaqua and Ossining (?) prevented the fire from making its way throughout the house.

Excellent job fellas!

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I hope the injured FF's are OK as well. My heart dropped when I heard 45-M-1 dispatched W/ Chapp VAC by 620 for a "Firefighter Down".....thanfully,I guess, he was cancelled enroute by 632 shortly thereafter due to minor injuries.

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