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Donald Rumsfeld admits Flight 93 shot down?

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Whatt?????it does seem to outa context

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It means nothing, clearly he misspoke. Now, do us all a favor and get rid of this topic.

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This actually seems to be old news. It was on CNN Dec 27th 2004. These remarks were from Christmas Eve 2004. I think he slipped but not in admitting that the plane was shot down. He was talking about terrorists - and so it doesn't seem to make sense that he would call people that shot down the plane terrorists, if it was the US that did do that. Maybe he meant 'took' instead of 'shot'?

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Get a grip with what you are posting......Do you really think, for one second that this is actually something that should be intelligently debated???

APPARENTLY SO! How can you post such an idiotic observance!?!??!

I STRONGLY feel that you are in the tiniest of minorities by posting such a stupid thing on this website....I can't think of why you do such a thing.

What is your point? What is it? Are you trying to start a discussion? BAD IDEA!

Gather the facts and then let such stupidity go.......We lost too many brothers to be bothered with this SH*T!!!!!

I'm sorry, but enough is enough.


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i was just posting a video of something i saw on the internet, nothing more. Seth please close this topic, this was not my intention AT ALL.

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