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Ardsley Moves Into New Firehouse

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Yesterday, November 30th 2007, Ardsley FD moved into their brand new firehouse, on the site of their former firehouse, at 507 Ashford Ave in Ardsley, C/S American Legion Drive and Route 9A (Saw Mill River Road). They were temporarily operating out of a former gas station and large garage while the new firehouse was being built.

Although there are still a lot of unpacking and setting up to do, and still some ongoing construction, I was awestruck.

I got the grand tour this AM (and got to be there for the first call), and was AMAZED! It's HUGE, modern, and laid out very nicely. I was a volunteer in Ardsley when the FD, PD and Village Hall all shared one building, that was built originally as a small schoolhouse in 1896, and renovated/expanded numerous times since then.

In the end, Ardsley FD was operating out of a building that was 110+ years old, with portions of the building that were condemed. It was a obsolete, falling apart, extremly unsafe and a dump-although I loved it.

Here's Ardsley's old firehouse:


And here's the new firehouse (almost finished-this photo was taken two weeks ago)


It has too many new features to list, I'll try to point out some of the highlights. Plymovent Exhaust removal system, 3 bottle cascade system, gear washer and dryer, 3 front bays- two of those bays are double deep, and one of those bays in the rear is a seperate, sealed garage for the department's 1928 Seagrave ("Old Betsy"). There's a nice commercial kitchen, and gear room with gear lockers. So much more. Beautful building as well. I'll have more photos once everything is complete.

And the temporary firehouse that Ardsley was operating from:


Ardsley also has a new 2007 Chevrolet Suburban for Car 2011 to be delivered next week. I'm also hearing rumors that Ardsley's looking to replace Ladder 50, a 1988 Hahn/LTI 75' RM Quint

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Congrats to Ardsley FD. Its a beautiful looking firehouse. Good luck and be safe.

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Good luck Ardsley, that's a nice looking firehouse.

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