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Jumper Down 12/13/07 *Update*

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Date: 12/13/07

Time: 08:53

Location: Tappan Zee Bridge

Frequency: Fire 14 & 156.225

Units Operating: 2462 (IC), M5, Irvington, Piermont, Nyack, Tarrytown EMS, GPD ALS

Description Of Incident: Jumper Down

Writer: Remember585

2462 requesting Marine Units from Sleepy Hollow, Irvington, Piermont, Nyack

08:59 - Command reports victim is on board Marine 5 enroute to awaiting EMS on Tarrytown docks. Mutual Aid cancelled.

09:05 - Command reports FD units breaking down, patient in care of EMS.

Media sources are now reporting that the jumper has since deceased as a result of injuries sustained this morning.

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Now that the "suicide season" is upon us, I would like to go on a rant about how suicide is such a selfish act! People dont realize, or care for that matter, on the lives they effect and screw up! From the innocent person who may witness the suicide, to the people stuck in traffic because of it, the emergency service workers who respond to it and have to add that to the mental album of images from their careers, most importantly the family they leave behind that have to deal with it for the rest of their lives! Maybe the QUITER even did it somewhere where a family member had to find them, even a young family member! NICE THING TO DO!!!!!! I wont go on, as I could forever and violate many cursing rules of this site. But find help, you solve YOUR problems when you commit suicide, but create SO many for OTHER PEOPLE!

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Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

It's sad some people can't see any other solution.

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Why in God's name do so many people who want to end thier lives choose the Tappan Zee Br. to jump from??? What a curse! Ironically, many seem to survive the initial fall. But, that water must be freaking cold. I guess if the kinetic energy doesn't do it, the hypothermia will.

Sorry to hear this happened again, especially during the holiday season.

Joe C.

Edited by jcoppola

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You are 100% correct onthewheel. These people who pick public places to do it bother me to no end. I signed onto a job that will expose me to certain things. Its part of the job. Someone walking down the street to hear the dull thud behind them or the couple having lunch to have someone come crashing through an atrium and land on the table next to them. Both true stories that had a profound affect on these poor people.

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Comes with the territory. You don't like it when it happens, and you may curse the person for doing it. My last EMS run with Lake Carmel in 1997, I worked a suicide. The guy hung himself in the basement with his dog's leash. Left behind a wife and a couple of kids. I cursed this guy in my head to live, and then cursed him some more after he was pronounced. Needless to say, after that and an OD the run before that, I was not a happy camper. You go home, hug your loved ones, and do your best to move on.

But, you have to think there are plenty of better places to do this than off of a bridge that doesn't have that high of a vertical clearance.

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You are 100% correct onthewheel. These people who pick public places to do it bother me to no end. I signed onto a job that will expose me to certain things. Its part of the job. Someone walking down the street to hear the dull thud behind them or the couple having lunch to have someone come crashing through an atrium and land on the table next to them. Both true stories that had a profound affect on these poor people.

I remember my father telling me about an interesting incident back in the late 70's in the bronx. He was parked under the "L", right under one of the platforms, waiting for someone to get out of work. He heard the brakes on the train above lock up, and he thought he heard a scream. Just then, he felt a thump like something hit his car, and he got out to find that there was a jumper on the tracks above, and a couple pieces of him landed on the trunk of the car..... I don't know what i would do. It makes me sick that someone could think that there really is no way out of whatever mess they are in to push them to that point.

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I remember my father telling me about an interesting incident back in the late 70's in the bronx. He was parked under the "L", right under one of the platforms, waiting for someone to get out of work. He heard the brakes on the train above lock up, and he thought he heard a scream. Just then, he felt a thump like something hit his car, and he got out to find that there was a jumper on the tracks above, and a couple pieces of him landed on the trunk of the car..... I don't know what i would do. It makes me sick that someone could think that there really is no way out of whatever mess they are in to push them to that point.

That's it! They can't think, they apparently can't function either.

Holidays are very sad, I guess for some that they are sick themselves, they are focused on them, not the people left behind or the rescue workers that will have to deal with it.

How many of these people leave a trail, in that family members saw it coming and didn't follow through. How many didn't have a clue that anything was wrong? How many were on medication that just didn't do the trick.

Many factors, I am sure, play a part in all of this. Think about it.

Sad situation and maybe we shouldn't be so judgemental about the ways and wheres and the what's.

Be thankful for what we have and feel for those less fortunate

Edited by tunaFish

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You can't rationalize and irrational act!

We do the best we can and do it as safely as we can!

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I think the Tappan Zee is a popular place to jump from because people will do anything to avoid paying that toll....

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