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You Are About To Enter The Most Dangerous Work Place In The United States

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I found this very cool sign while departing a Texas DOT yard near Austin this weekend....I think this should be posted in many firehouses as well.


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Yah, you can probably put that in most station bathrooms too! :P

This was in a DOT Yard? Interesting. It should be in every firehouse in the world too.

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Did you ask where anybody can get one? That would be a cool sign to have for my room!


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This was in a DOT Yard? Interesting. It should be in every firehouse in the world too.

Ummmmmm, a firehouse, dangerous. Other than Mt. Vernon or Bridgeport (LOL), I don't think too many firehouses are really that dangerous! Unless you have a crew of backstabbers... Highways are the deadliest places on earth! Think about all of the car accidents that occur each day. That is what makes it the most dangerous place to work, other than one of those fishing boats up off of Alaska!

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I think that is what Moose meant. Many times we respond to accidents and incidents on the highways and interstates. Not to mention the danger just to get to the calls.

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As well, I think if any DOT Highway guys are on here they will vouch for the maniacs speeding along the parkways and such that just don't care about the workers on the side of the road. I used to hate EMS jobs on the highways, always was prepared to flee if I saw something odd! People just don't pay attention to the road, they are too busy talking/texting or looking at their GPS (as we all have seen a good one recently!) The Highway is the most dangerous place I can think of, especially standing along it while cars wwwwhhhhhiiiiiizzzzzzzzz by.

Oh and I see your point, I thought he was talking about the firehouse itself. However, these DOT workers spend a lot more time out there, and at times they are left unprotected.

"Give em a BRAKE!"

Edited by Oswegowind

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Did you ask where anybody can get one? That would be a cool sign to have for my room!


Mike- Ebay has lots of cool metal signs , custom , $18.00 plus shipping.


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I have spent the last 10 years working for vincent garage which provides Towing & Road Side service on the New England Thruway you have to be aware of everything going on around you try changing a tire on the shoulder while cars & trucks fly by & high speeds not fun at all so the sign speaks the truth

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As well, I think if any DOT Highway guys are on here they will vouch for the maniacs speeding along the parkways and such that just don't care about the workers on the side of the road. I used to hate EMS jobs on the highways, always was prepared to flee if I saw something odd! People just don't pay attention to the road, they are too busy talking/texting or looking at their GPS (as we all have seen a good one recently!) The Highway is the most dangerous place I can think of, especially standing along it while cars wwwwhhhhhiiiiiizzzzzzzzz by.

Oh and I see your point, I thought he was talking about the firehouse itself. However, these DOT workers spend a lot more time out there, and at times they are left unprotected.

"Give em a BRAKE!"

Unitll I recently moved into the office as Deputy Codes/GIS analyst I worked for the village highway dept. I spent many a long hour standing in the road with a flag, or digging a hole, or filling a hole in!! :rolleyes: I have seen the potential carnage...scary. what I meant was simple enough...Firefighting is-or should be-listed as one of the most dangerous workplaces in the world, thats all.

Cars whizzzzzzing by is one thing, but entering a burning building that could fall down around your head, or cleaning up a Haz-mat spill that could give you a sex change operation on the spot, or extricating someone from one of those whizzzzzing cars that is loaded with a hundred or more "Missiles" that could suddenly take off your head, or amputate your legs in an instant....all sounds pretty dangerous to me.

I understand what your saying though, I worked DPW, and my father works DPW on the Island still as an operator and sees dangerous accidents on the job site at least once a week, but its still not nearly as dangerous as firefighting, or Law Enforcement. My joke was mainly for the Firehouse Bathrooms, get it now? Ha ha ha...joke...

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