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Adding Speakers to a scanner.

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Does anyone have good advice as how to hook up 2 or 3 speakers to a scanner so there is good sound coming out of them? Any Ideas are welcome.

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When you say "2 or 3 speakers to a scanner so there is good sound coming out of them"

How are you locating these speakers?? In other rooms around a house/station with one main scanner?

Setup that I have used for getting the audio to more then one speaker is as follows.

Base radio audio out going into a small radio shack amp.

From the Amp it has two out puts. One side to my main speaker to control the volume and the other goes to all the other speakers. I used the in house phone wires to get the audio around.

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If you are running the speakers directly from a scanner...

Take your "positive" from the scanner into the "positive" on the first speaker. Then take the "negative" from speaker 1, hook it to the "positive" on speaker 2. Then take the "Negative" from #2 and hook it to the "positive" on #3. Then run the "negative" of #3 back to the "negative" on your scanner. This is how we ran the house alert speakers in our quarters. Our resident electricians had a technical name for this - but I haven't got a clue what it is.

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tbendick's route seems to be the best for what you seek to do. To have three speakers off a jack normally meant for one would mean that you would in effect have 1/3 the volume going to each speaker. If your scanner has a decent internal amplifier, it MIGHT be able to pump out enough juice to be effective. But once you start running lengths of wire to distant points, you loose power in the resistance of the long lengths of wire. Try it without the amp and see if it works if you are tight on cash. Otherwise, get a small 25watt amp from the Rat Shack and go nuts.

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thanks for the input, it is greatly appreciated.

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Let us know how the project goes and if you have any more questions, feel free.

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