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Useful link on NYS OFPC site

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The OFPC Home Page has a new section on it listing all the outreach classes scheduled for April and May.

It does seem to be a bit off though. It shows Westchester having Hazmat Tech, but I don't see that on the DES web pages. Regardless though, gives you a good idea of what's going on if you're looking to get training.

Edited by Monty

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Actually kind of depressing. Almost every class Dutchess offers is filled up, what keeps them from doing more? Money?

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Monty...that's a Haz Mat FR Operations course listed not a technician and I the reason I believe its not listed is because that is not a DES sponsored course..the instructor listed isn't a CFI. All of the other instructors listed are some of Westchester's SFI's. It also doesn't reflect for Westchester how many courses our CFI's also do or the list would be nearly doubled. Some in Westchester honestly don't know how good they have it in regard to having training courses available and that is because of the leadership fighting for more positions and the amount of students who attend these courses every year that justifies the numbers we have.

Which Danger brings me to Dutchess. Every county is alloted "SFI hours" which is how the budget works in terms of SFI's doing courses. You only have a certain number of SFI's per county which means they deliver the courses in the county they are assigned and paid by the state. Much of it comes down to you can only teach so many courses over a given period. Dutchess has very few CFI's and to be honest not knowing much about the Dutchess system, I do not know if they budget for them to give courses and what the exact number of CFI's are. But trying to rely solely on SFI's to deliver courses will reduce the amount of courses able to be given, a firefighter 1 alone for certain units takes 3 additional instructors on top of the lead to conduct the skills for that unit.

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These may be courses that are not open to the public. They may be registered with the State but being held for a specific department.

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There is a Hazmat Tech class going on in Westchester for a specific department. Your old stomping ground Mac.

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