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Yonkers- Hazardous Roads

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While the PD and FD are working numerous accidents accross the city, DPW has advised the PD as of 2130hrs that there will be no slat/sand/plows on the roads until after midnight.

Welcome to Yonkers.

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That could spell out a law suit...

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y no plows? or anything being out out in yonkers and at my house in greenburg there has been nothin as well

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That is normal for around here. They either start early, with the salt and waste it cause there is very little snow, or they figure they can wait a little while and play catch-up overnight while very few people are on the road. Might also have something to do with overtime expenses. as of midnight, it is technically monday, so they arent paying sunday overtime rates, which are usually much more than time and a half. Plus you cant plow with only a little snow on the road.

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Now E-308 is out of service with a flat tire after being stuck on Glenwood Ave.

A little salt would be magical. It's not like this weather was a surprise.

This happens every time it snows.

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Thats yonkers, the way it always has been. i dread having to travel over there in the snow, takes four to five times as long to get anywhere, and then add another 25 minutes so you can stay on the main roads and away from as many hills as you can.

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At about 11:25, E306 was operating at an MVA on elm street with two patients in the car. the bus COULDNT get up the hill to them because of the ice on the road. at the same time, there was another MVA further down the hill on Elm. Yonkers DPW finally sent out a sander around 11:28 JUST FOR E306. Amazing.

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yea I heard yonkers go to a few alarms and the dispatcher kept saying "there's only ONE sander operating in the WHOLE city"

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Been out a few times tonight, its getting pretty bad out. its not the snow, but the ice from the quick freeze we had and the quick transition from rain to snow. beware of the black ice underneath all of the snow, its one big sheet out there.

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Agreed. I went out on a call and practically slid the entire way there. Very little traction with a lot of concealed ice.

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I drove from Croton-Harmon (there was an accident on ( going south from there) and as soon as I got on 9 i started fish tailing. Did 20MPH the entire way home. One guy who appears to have no idea how to drive SUVs in the ice/snow was sliding all over the place coming south. The ice was terrible, and the problem was people thought it was just snow. Thankfully, there weren't that many accidents that I could see. Everyone was being relatively smart and driving slow.

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at about 11:30 this morning, Yonkers units were operating at a MVA on Sprain Rd. near Home Depot and Batt. 2 was rear-ended and the road had to be shut down by GPD and Yonkers E301.

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Welcome to Westchester County, home of the "Eh, let's just wait for the sun to come out tomorrow" philosophy of winter road maintenance.

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Maybe we should be sending our DPW employees to train with the Mass State DOT. I'll never forget travelling to Maine during a bad snow storm one year and taking the Mass Pike. There was literally NO snow on the highway! (not much traffic either). The DOT had plowed so well that there were 5 full lanes of clear pavement (3 travel lanes and the 2 shoulders. It was definitely a sight to see.

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From News 12:

Police say they had to shut the road down because Yonkers DPW trucks ran out of salt.

Swell. ](*,)

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From News 12:
Police say they had to shut the road down because Yonkers DPW trucks ran out of salt.

Swell. ](*,)


that's like 46.26 running out of radio don't think that'll ever happen! :blahblah:

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From News 12:
Police say they had to shut the road down because Yonkers DPW trucks ran out of salt.

I guess Yonkers DPW forgot in winter there is snow and ice ya gotta get the stuff b4 the snow flies?!?!?!? #-o #-o #-o #-o

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How badly banged up was the Batt. 2 vehicle? To think a nice looking truck like that now out of service. Maybe the Fire Department should sue the DPW for the damage since they ran out of salt, or maybe they should send the truck out for some more lights, so it can look like 38 M1.

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I was two vehicles behind Batt 2 and watched the accident happen.... i was nearly involved.... B2 isn't damaged beyond a small scratch to the rear bumper

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