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Police: Man angered by road closure strikes firefighter

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LAGRANGE — A LaGrange firefighter was injured today, when an angry motorist allegedly hit him with his car as firefighters were blocking the roadway while responding to an accident.

Members of the Dutchess County Sheriff’s Office responded along with the LaGrange Fire Department for a reported one-vehicle personal injury auto accident on Noxon Road.

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He was arrested and charged with misdemeanor obstructing governmental administration, misdemeanor assault and failure to comply with lawful order — a violation.


I hope he was arrested and handcuffed "ever so gently", "safely put into the patrol car",

and "carefully driven to the police station"

When this jerk has a house fire DO NOT bring in any fire hose,

you might get the rug dirty!

OK, All better now....

Just had to vent.

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Wow. Hope the member is ok. Also hope they nail this jackass to the wall.

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Directing traffic is a very dangerous job as evidenced by the fire-police officer who was struck by the car. I hope the driver loses his license and does some serious time in prison for his actions.

While this is definately a fair sentence in our eyes, we will be lucky if we see his license revoked. Unfortunately it's the world we live in

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"carefully driven to the police station"

"I'm sorry I had to slam on the brakes that albino deer just ran right out in front of the patrol car" :lol::lol:

Edited by FFD941

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While this is definately a fair sentence in our eyes, we will be lucky if we see his license revoked. Unfortunately it's the world we live in

Exactly, we will probably only see him pay a fine and walk out of court....Unfortunately his lawyer will probably say that the firefighter understands that there is inherent danger in their job and that he was standing in the road in the way so there was no malice in the drivers intent....BLAH BLAH BLAH and the jerk will go free a couple hundred dollars poorer but still with his license. Its the society we live in.

I hope the firefighter is ok, it said minor injuries, but will they heal completely? Hope so, my thoughts are with him.

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Throw the guy into the police car, but forget to open the door first. Honest mistake... :rolleyes:

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The thing I find funny in the article in the Journal is the morons that put the comments siding with the driver of the vehicle. My feeling is if they are available , have the police close the road. People still get mad, but I think some feel they don't have to listen to the fire police.

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