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How Important Is An Apparatus Dealer Relationship?

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Some departments seem to prefer certain apparatus. I'm sure it's for a variety of reasons, but I'm curious if any department sticks with a certain brand of apparatus because the dealer has provided them with excellent support or service in the past?

I know several departments who won't purchase a certain brand(s) because they hate the dealer, and other departments who will only go with one brand because of the great service they get from the dealer.

Personally, all fire apparatus manufacturers have their flaws. I feel that the dealer is the person who really counts when it comes to the brands image. Therefore, if the dealer doesn't provide adequate service and support, then they're tarnishing the brand.

Or, do some departments just purchase apparatus based on name or heritage?

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We've been dealing with Gowans Knight for many ears. They are a small company, but they take pride in what thy build, the service is excellent, they are quite close, Watertown Conneticut isn't much more than an hour from Croton Falls, and if we need them to, they will come to either firehouse and make minor repairs.

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Yes I think a good dealer relationship is important and I sell fire apparatus. I have had some difficulties with my manufacturer but my sales manager and dealership owner have busted thier backsides to fix a unit that they didn't make money on. I have seen dealers switch brands and because the relationship is so good, they had departments follow the dealer to a new manufacturer. I will do what ever I can to fix your problem the service afterwards to me is just as important as the sale!

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